Sister, Sister

Hello folks, thanks for dropping by! Y’all have a seat, and let’s chat…~smile~

A woman named Linda Sunshine once said, “My sister taught me everything I really need to know, and she was only in sixth grade at the time.” I get that. My oldest sister and I have a unique relationship. Why, it’s been weeks since we’ve talked but in typical Cyndie style, she called earlier and launched into a conversation with neither a how are you or a fare thee well.

“Shellie,” she said, “do you remember that joke where Boudreaux asks Thibodaux if he had a million dollars, would he give him a hundred— and Thibodaux says sure he would.”

“Yes,” I said. “Why?”

Cyndie rushed ahead, “So, Boudreaux asks Thibodaux if he had a thousand dollars would he give him ten?”

I knew the joke. I also knew Cyndie was bound and determined to tell it all.

“So,” Cyndie said, “Thibodaux says yes, if he had a thousand dollars, he’d give Boudreaux ten. It goes on that way until Boudreaux finally asks Thibodaux if he had two dollars would he give him one of ‘em?

Cyndie and I finished the joke in unison, “And Thibodaux says, ‘Dad blast it, Boudreaux, you know I got two dollars.’ ”

After we laughed together I asked Cyndie why we were telling Boudreaux jokes. Quick as lightening, my sister switched gears. She told me she was going in for some kidney tests. “I really think I’m okay,” she said. “I’ve prayed about it and everything. But I was wondering, just to put my mind at ease, if you had two good kidneys, would you give me one?”

“You’re serious.” I said. “You’re asking me for a kidney?”

“You’re my sister, aren’t you?”

I told Cyndie I was pretty sure people didn’t handle this kind of thing over the phone. “Why,” I said, “it’d be like me telling this story on the radio if front of God and everybody.”

“Suit yourself,” my sissy replied. “I don’t care. Just tell me, if you had two kidneys would you give me one?”

Dad-blame that girl. She knows I have two kidneys.



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