Sitting on the dock by the lake, wasting time…

…and it felt good!

So, I was writing on the back porch earlier this afternoon. The lake was calling and Dixie Belle’s big old lab eyes were saying, “Deadlines, schmedlines, let’s go fishing.” And that, is precisely what we did. I shut ‘er down and grabbed a shovel and cane pole from the carport storage room. The pic on the right is an example of the healthy worms I found after turning over a few spadefuls of dirt at the lake’s edge.

The pic on the left is a classic. That’s exactly what my cork looked like all afternoon, y’all, graveyard still. Seriously, one fish even swam up right beside my cork and sat there looking at it with his little fishy eyes! I took a picture of him but you can’t make it out. I even pulled the line back and forth in front of him but he was like, “Nope. Ain’t happening.” Smart fish. There’s a message in that for somebody.

The bottom right would be Miss Dixie saying, “We could always take a walk, oh mighty fisherwoman.” And that, we did.

Hugs, Shellie


  • Paula Smith
    April 11, 2012

    Seeing those big brown eyes and the eager anticipation of a joyful adventure, makes me miss my Coco. Labs are the best as far as my dog experience has been. Maybe one day again—

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