Solid Gold Corn Dish

Hello folks and welcome back to the All Things Southern kitchen. I’m making one of my one pot wonders today and you’re going to want to add it to your family’s favorites—hence, the name, my Solid Gold Corn Dish. And if I might digress, naming it Solid God reminded me of Soullllllllllll Trainnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!

soultrainI used to watch that on Sat. mornings. It’s where my sisters and I got our moves. That was before Papa came in and decided he didn’t much care for the moves we were getting. No more Soul Train, at least not when Papa was in the vicinity. Let’s get cooking!

“Solid Gold Corn Dish”

One pound hot bulk pork sausage
Bag of seasoning mix (frozen, cut up onions and peppers)
2 cans (11 ounce) Mexi- corn, drained
3 tablespoons flour
3 tablespoons butter
1 cup of milk
1 can Rotel tomatoes
2 cups cooked rice
1 pound hot Velveeta cheese
1 teaspoon garlic powder
Cajun seasoning
Salt and pepper

I’ve already begun by browning one pound of hot bulk sausage with a bag of cut-up onions and peppers from the frozen food aisle. We’ll drain it and set it aside.

Now I have three tablespoons of butter melted in my large cast iron skillet. I’m gonna whisk in three tablespoons flour, stir till it’s well blended, and then I’ll add a cup of milk. We’ll cook this base over medium heat until it begins to thicken. Then we’ll return our cooked sausage to the skillet and add two cans of drained Mexi-corn, one can of Rotel, tomatoes, two cups of cooked rice, and one pound of hot Velveeta cheese, cubed. Cook over fire until the cheese melts, stirring constantly.

We’ll season this with a teaspoon of garlic powder, a dash of Cajun seasoning, and a little salt and pepper and pour it into our casserole dish for baking. Your man is gonna love the combination of rice and cheese with that sausage and corn. Bake 20-30 minutes in a 350 degree oven enjoy my Solid Gold Corn Dish! It’s good eating, y’all, from the All Things Southern kitchen to yours!