The Beloved Farmer Decorates, Kinda, and a Gift just for you!

Hey friend! I really did mean to write to this fine community before Thanksgiving, but — life just keeps coming! That’s all I’ve got for you by way of explanation, and I have a feeling that’s enough. Y’all are gracious like that. I’m currently recovering from the Turkey Day festivities around here and considering decorating for Christmas. Considering being the key word. There were Thanksgiving photos taken but I’ve yet to weed through them and since you know what we all look like, I decided to make my aftermath post a funny instead. Here’s a picture to set the stage…


For brevity’s sake and because we all have the attention span of gnats on caffeine, I’ll skip straight to the conversation I had with the beloved farmer while prepping for our Thanksgiving crowd.

“Babe, I can’t find two of my nice black folding chairs— the ones I use with the long folding table when we need more seating room…”

I trailed off because Phil’s face was giving something away, I just couldn’t imagine what.

“What is it? Have you seen them?”

Phil grinned to soften what he knew would not be a popular announcement, “Um, yeah, we’re using them in a couple of the deer stands.”

Excuse me? The deer stands? My good chairs?! Oh, yes he was. And yes, he did go collect them and Clorox them. And he has since made a commitment not to take his wife’s guest chairs to the woods. Ever. Again. Bless him.

Speaking of recovering, did you know nearly two months after Hurricane Ian slammed into Florida, many of our fellow citizens are still struggling from the aftermath of all the damage? On Day 25 of our 30 Days of Thankfulness, I’d like to ask you to join us in our support of Samaritans Purse’s disaster relief efforts there, and around the world. Giving changes lives, the givers and the gifted. I want that for all of you. Here’s the link for your consideration.

Now, about that gift I mentioned in the subject line… I’ve written a new advent devotional for us as we step into this holy season. This Sunday, November 27th, is the first Sunday of advent 2022! You can get the backstory on why I was prompted to get some advent words down for us and find the free printable ebook here. Have Yourself a Meaningful Little Christmas!

That’s it for now! Drop me a note if you’d like. Prayer requests, just for fun notes, life updates, it doesn’t matter.  I just enjoy hearing from that side of the screen.  And if it comes with pictures, well, that’s all the better!

Hugs, Shellie