Trimming Turkeys and an Advent Annoucement

Hey friends! I write to you from the back porch on an absolutely beautiful Fall day. One could almost believe we’re not being slammed by another round of Corona Crazy and our nation isn’t divided over the legitimacy or lack thereof of our Presidential election. And yet, this is where we are. I could say so much right here, but I want it to be Father approved so my keystrokes are slowing and I’m using the backspace button a good bit as I wade into these waters.

The Lord instructs us to “pray for authorities so we can lead godly and peaceful lives” and this is what I’m doing. I’m giving the Good Lord no rest on it. And when the vote is certified and an inauguration is held, I will pray for the sitting President. Period. That said, I’m working on a piece right now that I’ve given a big old title, “Why You Should Care About Big Tech Censorship Regardless of Your Party Affiliation.” That should tell you enough about one of my serious concerns for our land. If you’re interested, it will be up here on the website eventually. But enough of such talk. We’ve got more delicious things to discuss.

I bought a ginormous turkey earlier today and I’m looking forward to seeing him on a big old platter with all the trimmings! I’ll tag some of my favorite side dishes and dessert suggestions for y’all at the end of this post! You know the saying, “Gobble ‘til you wobble, right?” That’s the plan and I’m sticking to it!

Speaking of feasts, did you hear about the grocery store that felt compelled to issue a public apology for their Thanksgiving ad? Apparently, those thoughtless people used the words “super spread” to suggest a table full of good food without taking into consideration that those words are currently used to refer to the increase in corona cases and a number of people lost their ever-loving minds over it. Ugh. How insensitive could a company be, right?! I can’t believe they’re allowed to remain open!

I jest, folks. I jest.

Personally, I file this sort of thing under the heading of, “People Who Want to Be Offended, Will Be.” It was an ad, people…for food. What’s next? Are we not allowed to spread our peanut butter without someone melting down? What about a good ham spread? Will we need to change its name, too? Repeat after me. Speech tyrants will never be satisfied. Just say no, America.

Cancel culture aside, I love me some Thanksgiving, but Christmas is on my mind, too, and I think I’ve had a deliciously good idea here as well. Lean in and I’ll tell you what I’ve been thinking…



If ever we needed to celebrate the Light of the World coming into our darkness, it’s Christmas 2020! Right? What’s that? I’m having a hard time hearing you over the amen corner.

I get it! I know people who decked their walls in October and double dog dared anyone to part their lips in judgement. But seriously, we may sense how sorely we need Christmas this year, but the golden truth is we always have. We needed Jesus the night angels heralded his arrival as Immanuel, God with Us, here on planet Earth. We needed Him the day He hung on the Cross as our Redeemer, and yes, so much yes, we need Him now. Owning that need? This is where our rescue and our rest are found.

Here’s how I’m positioning myself for the holidays. I’m asking Holy Spirit to help me remember that it’s not just the festive lights and family parties I’m craving. I’m asking Him to remind me in my core that I’m hungering for more than the nostalgic music and Christmas candy, and then to keep reminding me, for every taste of His Presence underscores how sorely this heart of mine needs Jesus. So does yours.

In the last few years, I’ve written a full advent devotional for my readers. This year will be different #because2020. That hashtag says a lot in a little, doesn’t it? I couldn’t imagine doing our 2020 advent in the same way we always have. It didn’t feel right. So…

Instead of inviting you to join me in a daily watch throughout the season, I want us to being sharing our Advent journeys with each other beginning Nov. 29. In other words, I want to hear your what you’re hearing, feeling, and seeing this year!  I’ll be sharing daily memes and prompts to keep us focused on Jesus. As I do, I’m hoping you’ll share your Advent thoughts and tag the rest of us using #alwaysadventSRT. I added my initials to make the hashtag unique so we could find each other’s posts! I chose “always advent” to remind us that we want to live our lives watching and waiting for Jesus, and not just in the days leading up to Christmas.

So, how do you use the #alwaysadventSRT hashtag? Easy! Whenever you post something that is helping you hold onto the promise of Immanuel this season, tag it with #alwaysadventSRT. Whether you’re posting an original thought or quote, a meme you’ve created, a devo you’ve written, an article you’ve read, a post you’ve found, a worship song that’s moving you, or simply an image that’s inspiring you, add the hashtag #alwaysadventSRT so the rest of us can benefit from your post, too! Oh, and let’s be sure to share the humor of the season! You know I believe #lifeisbetterwhenyourelaughing and we need us some belly laughs, friends. Sharing is caring, so let’s be super spreaders in the very best sense of the word.

Once the actual week of Christmas arrives, I’ll share five focused devos. They’ll drop Monday through Friday, Dec. 21st through 25th taking us through Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I’ll be posting these on my website, that’s and on my social media accounts.  I hope you’ll join me this season for our #alwaysadventSRT, and I hope you’ll invite your friends by tagging them here. Connect with me now if you aren’t already, and let’s watch for Jesus together this Advent. Our greatest strength will forever be in owning Immanuel, God with Us, as our greatest need.

That’s about it for now. Please hit reply and chat with me or leave your prayer requests. I love hearing from you.



Carrot Soufflé with Candied Topping

Sweet Potato Swirl

Cranked Up Cranberry Relish