Who Holds Your Tongue?

Chances are you’ve heard the expression, “hold your tongue.” It’s sort of an outdated way of telling someone to be quiet. But has anyone ever held your tongue for you?  That’s what I figured. I believe yours truly is in the minority on this one. I’ve mentioned this before, but I want to look at it from a different angle today. So please, allow me to briefly recap for any newbies that be joining us on the porch.

It happened years ago. I was just a wee little thing, squared off against a certain speech therapist whose methods included literally holding my tongue and instructing me to repeat after him. To this day I can remember the room and the green vinyl couch beneath me. I used to imagine it was a big boat and dream of it sailing away with me at the helm. Only it never happened.  I would’ve been so much happier had the fellow allowed me to hold my own tongue during those torture sessions. That didn’t happen either. The idea, however, does offer us a great jumping off place for a more important discussion.

Listen to this warning from Proverbs 21:23. “He who guards his mouth and his tongue, guards his soul from troubles.” The etymology behind the word “guard” in this verse includes keeping, watching, or securing something. And yes, you guessed it, guarding also means holding it to restrict movement and access.

As your living witness, there was nothing whatsoever pleasant about having a stranger hold my tongue but— I’d be willing to do it again if it were the only way to guard against the certainty of trouble and sorrow. Thankfully, neither you nor I have to resort to such an extreme measure to avoid the bad harvest of our words. If we just ask, God will help us hold our tongues. The Psalmist said it this way, “Set a guard over my mouth, Lord, and keep watch over the door of my lips.” And all God’s children said, “Amen!”

Hugs, Shellie