•  2012 (Page 12)

She was born into a middle class family on May 25, 1939 in McLemoresville, Tennessee. Her father owned and ran several small retail stores. By the age of four she declared her intentions to sing at the Metropolitan Opera in New York City but three years later, a poorly performed tonsillectomy damaged her vocal cords and the threatened the dream. The self-confident little belle merely

Hello folks, let’s chat…~smile~ My sisters and I have considered it a privilege to nurse Mama during her back surgery and ongoing recovery. It’s only right. The Queen of Us All has spent her life tending to anyone within tending distance, whether they want to be tended to or not, but that's another story. For me, one entertaining aspect of all this parent-sitting has been listening

We have some entertaining video footage from one of my daughter’s long ago dance recitals. Jessica and her tap-dancing buddies are dressed from head to toe in vivid yellow. Several times during their big number the little girls are supposed to turn right and skip-to-their-loos in a circle. This part of the routine never goes well because one of the sweet dancers keeps forgetting which

He was born in South Louisiana in 1964. As a young boy growing up in New Orleans, Will was a promising young baseball player who showed an abundance of natural talent and harbored a dream of playing in the Majors. When he was fourteen a selection was held among his All Star team for the players that would represent New Orleans in the World Series.

My husband and I have two good-looking kids and, as you may have heard me mention one or two thousand times, we’ve also been blessed with four beautiful grandchildren. The little tricycle motors have managed to turn both of us into those obnoxious grandparents we used to make fun of back in the day. We once rolled our eyes at the people who used to