•  2012 (Page 6)

 Y’all remember Bubba’s good friend, Buford, right? I was talking to his wife Lou Ann earlier. She assures me that Buford won’t mind me telling y’all what he did the other day.  I’m going take her word on it, because it’s just too much fun not to share.  One of Buford’s old high school friends has been hounding Buford.  The man is in some sort of

Hello folks, welcome back to the All Things Southern kitchen. I’ve got a great recipe to share with y’all today. It’s my Crawfish Cornbread. It's all kinds of delicious and simple to stir up. Just put a pot of peas on the stove and throw a salad together and you’ve got yourself a mighty fine meal.  “Crawfish Cornbread”  1 pound crawfish tails, peeled 1 chopped bell pepper 1 chopped

To my fellow Americans  A wise person once said that fences make good neighbors and surely there's a lot of truth in the adage, but perhaps it'd be wiser if we remembered that gates make friends. I respectfully offer three thoughts for all of us that could build a few as we move forward. Please be gracious in victory. A divided nation needs it. I didn’t vote with you but I’ll look for every

Yes, I know "they" say you shouldn't blog more than once a day and I've already blabbed blogged once today. The thing is, I thought y'all might need some humor relief right about now. Towards that end, here's an excerpt from Sue Ellen's Girl Ain't Fat, She Just Weighs Heavy! I hope you enjoy~ Hazed by the Electoral College  One can only imagine why the subject of bribes

Writers and Readers Reach Out 2012 Backstory Here Who we are:  A group of writers and readers endeavoring to live our gratitude out loud during these 30 Days of Thanksgiving by partnering with Make Way Partners, an organization rescuing widows and orphans from human traffickers and offering them hope through the love of Jesus. Make Way Partners offers ongoing medical care and education to those they're able to set free and that's where we come in. What

He was born September 26, 1922 in Fayette County, Georgia. He graduated from Mercer University in Macon in 1942 and attended Emory University School of Medicine for two quarters before joining the U.S. Army Medical Corps. After seeing action in France he returned home to complete his medical studies, receiving his M.D. in 1949. In addition to practicing medicine with his physician wife Helen, our featured