•  2018 (Page 7)

Hello folks, let's chat…Some stories need to marinate before husband type people can find the humor in them. Women know this, intuitively, but Southern Mamas are good at passing along the skill. I’m looking at you, Charlotte Ann. Today’s story is a good example for several reasons, A) the car featured here was unharmed, B) we had traded it before I ‘fessed up, and C) Phil

Welcome back to the All Things Southern kitchen folks! Y’all, I had a little idea the other evening that turned into a big hit. We’ve made monkey bread around our parts, for, well, a long time—that would be a cake, prepared with refrigerator biscuits coated in a sugar and cinnamon mixture. I imagine you’ve had it, too. Well, I love all things lemon, so I

I was in New York recently on a publicity tour for my new release, Devotions for the Hungry Heart. It was incredibly interesting, and not just because I couldn't say the words New York without hearing the voice of that salsa commercial from years back saying, “New York City?!!!” Okay, there’s that, but my BFF and partner in pranks, Rhonda Perry, traveled with me and that