•  2020 (Page 4)

Hello friends, Papa had a birthday last weekend. He’s 81 years young. We celebrated him well. And yes, we had more than ten people in the house. But, if you’ll remember, the limit for gatherings was 50 at the time. Things are changing quickly aren’t they. I know it can be unsettling. I’m praying for you. I’m also praying for ways to reach more and more people

Hey friends! I’m so happy to share this! I wanted to offer some daily words of inspiration to y’all in this crazy time so I reached out to Barbour Publishing. They’re such good people! They agreed to partner with me and give away free digital copies of my devotional for a full week! I've got some more thoughts on the Corononavirus (doesn't everyone?), so I may

Hello folks, let’s chat…If you're local, you'll remember the years I said those words to y'all on KNOE TV8. Many of you still meet me in public and tell me you remember those short videos. I appreciate that, too. Today, however, I want to talk to you about the Coronavirus because we’re all dying unless we’re not. Kidding. Breathe, y’all. I cleared my throat in

Hey y'all, I thought I'd post this because yesterday was Groundhog Day, and I'm nothing if not right on top of things around here, right? (Don't answer that. God "don't" like ugly.) This is a little excerpt from one of my humor books, Sue Ellen's Girl Ain't Fat, She Just Weighs Heavy. It occurred to me that A) I rarely mention them anymore, and B)