In Times Like These
Hello friends!
Y’all are never far from my mind these days, and often in my prayers. In the words of an old commercial, it prompts me “to reach out and touch”. Whoever is saying, “What next?” needs to stop! Can I get an amen? The turmoil in our country has continued to boil, and the division seems to be growing wider by the day. Last week we saw a new level of horror when violence found it’s way to Capitol Hill.
Like you, my gut was clenched as the scene unfolded on my television. Hours later, I wrote about my reaction. As I scan those words I realize that I can’t think of anything more I want to say about that dreadful day to you, so I’m pasting those words below in case you don’t follow me on social media…
1_6_21 I’ve condemned the violence our nation has seen this year from the left. I’ve called out those who normalized it, made excuses for it, and wouldn’t call it what it was. I refuse to follow that example. I’ve labored over these words. I’ve chosen them carefully and prayed over whether to post at all, but as I sit here, silence doesn’t feel like an option for me.
I was taught two wrongs don’t make a right and the violence in our nation’s capitol today was wrong. Period. I’ll offer no excuses and I’ll personally accept zero justifications.
Instead, I’ll repeat what I said during the summer’s rioting, looting, and burning. Those who can be identified by video should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Not catch and release, but prosecute, and punish. To my understanding, little more than a dozen people were arrested. That’s ridiculous. I’ve heard outside agitators infiltrated the rally to instigate the violence. I have no way of knowing with any degree of certainty, (and neither do you!) but squeeze the public players hard enough and they may squeal on those funding the chaos, if indeed others are.
I’m praying for evil to be exposed, justice to be served, and peace to be restored. May God have mercy on us all.

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gloria lee diana
weve been doing that same receipe for banana pudding forever it was nice to see others enjoy mother was from ga. i live in ct im 90 and love your your thoughts. congrat to your son..gloria
Shellie Rushing Tomlinson
Hello Gloria! I just love this note. I love that you and yours have used the same recipe. And I love that you are 90 years young and interacting with me here. Blessings, sister!
Suzanne Sellner
Congratulations to your son! Thanks for the banana pudding recipe!
Shellie Rushing Tomlinson
You’re so welcome! And thx for sharing our joy. 🙂