Score One for Mrs. Mamie Lee

I’ve told y’all about Old Man Henry and the good-natured ribbing he’s always giving his wife. Well, turnabout is fair play, girls and Mrs. Mamie is on the board! First some history: Mrs. Mamie has been having a few heart spells, nothing really scary, just something our local doc thought she should have checked out. He set her up with a specialist in Memphis. Mr. Henry and Mrs. Mamie drove up there last week.

Mrs. Mamie told me she took an instant liking to the new doctor. He was a big old bear of a man with a sweet smile and a down to earth manner. He even hit it off with Mr. Henry. It didn’t take the doctor long to figure out that Old Man Henry’s bark is worse than his bite.

After a long day of tests, Mrs. Mamie met the doctor back in the examining room. She even managed to pry her results out of him while Mr. Henry was in the bathroom. I’m happy to report that they were all good but I’m still surprised at what happened next. It took some doing, but Mrs. Mamie actually talked the doctor into helping her play a joke on her husband. The two of them went into their act just as they heard Mr. Henry round the corner into the room.

“Mrs. Mamie,” the doctor said seriously. “Your test results all look good. I believe we’ll
be able to adjust a couple of your medications like we spoke of earlier and tend to your little problem. ‘

Mrs. Mamie was reaching for her purse when he added, “However, I’m not sure I like the way your husband looks.”

“That’s okay,” Mrs. Mamie said, “I don’t either, but he’s real handy around the house!”
