A New Twist to a Good Old Saying

I keep my granddaughters on Wednesday. One of our favorite activities, week in and week out, is playing church. Our church would be my piano room and our services are unlike any you may have been a part of before. Oh, sure, they resemble the services we attend at our home church, but the little bellerinas and I definitely have our own style of worship.

The almost four-year-old Emerson Ann generally gets to preach and lead singing, leaving me at the piano. I don’t do a solid job there, but the congregation is generally too busy to notice. Carlisle Mae and a half dozen stuffed animals comprise our congregation and Emerson’s going on three-year-old baby sister tends to flow in and out of the spirit. She’s been known to halt in mid-praise and whack the preacher in the head with her songbook if the service isn’t proceeding according to her liking.

The other day Emerson was knee deep in her opening remarks when I attempted to break in. “Shhhh, Keggie,” Emerson said gently. “Just put your hand up and do like this.” Emerson went on to demonstrate how I should have one hand lifted high in an expression of worship instead of talking. I’ve laughed every time I think about how serious Emerson was with that instruction. I’ve also drawn some good lessons from it.

It occurs to me that there are probably untold times when we’re opining on this or that, that Father God would like to see us just put our hand up in worship instead. I can think of no time when it would apply more than when we’re in a twitter. I’ve taken to thinking about it this way. Some of the best advice I’ve ever had will always be, “If you don’t have anything good to say, don’t say anything at all. But lately, Father God has given me a piece of advice that trumps it, “If you don’t have anything good to say…pray.”
