March Madness Lagniappe from my house to yours!
Hello friend! It's high time we catch up, wouldn't you say? I'll go first. It's March Madness on so many levels around here. There's NCAA basketball fever, for sure. We Tomlinsons love us some basketball. You can read that as we'll be those people grieving when the winners finish cutting down the nets, but that's a few weeks off, so right now we're in hog
Merry Christmas from my house to yours
Merry Christmas, friend! I'm not naive enough to expect any of you fine people to read this today, but hey, it will be here when you do find time to catch up and breathe. So, whenever that is, pour yourself a cup of coffee or tea and let's chat
For the Love of Labor
Would you say you have a healthy mentality about work? Yes, no, not sure? Let’s chat… Harvest 2024 has kicked off here at Tomlinson Farms. I took some lunch to the Beloved Farmer and snapped our traditional combine pictures. (Note to self, find them all and have a little photo book made of the two of us over the years. It would be fun to watch
Catching Up with Keggie
Keggie is my grandmother name. I'm sure I've told y'all that, but I added it there in the title because I've noticed more and more people who aren't family calling me, "Keggie". And for the record, I'm good with that. Feel free to call me Keggie when you write in, and I'll consider you family, too! So, I've been meaning to write and fill you in on
Discovering it isn’t so small after all
Settle in a moment if you have the time. I want to challenge all of us with a different way of thinking about that one small step we need to take today, that one action we've been putting off, that one phone call we need to make, that one decision hanging in the balance, that one step into the rest of our lives. And I
Weather Funnies for the Win
I can’t be the only one who needs a laugh? Last weekend I was speaking in Kansa and found myself needing to take shelter in a basement amidst tornado sirens and hail. Today, I’m here at my daughter’s in Houston dealing with bad weather and an elevated flood alert (am I the common denomiator?) when we remembered this little moment from 2011. I simply had
Seven Ways Jesus Words on the Cross Teach us to Live!
Seven Ways Jesus Words on the Cross Teach us to Live! We come to these seven words as people of the Way who have believed in God and received the Spirit of His Son into our hearts calling out, “Abba Father, not my will but yours.” We acknowledge our weakness and the futility of trying to live a surrendered life through our best intentions and
Spring langniappe from my house to yours ~ ShellieT
Hey friend! It’s ShellieT here with a host of different things on my mind, meaning today's letter will be a little longer than normal. I have a Holy Week reading for you at the end, but first. Let’s chat… I'll begin with that intro. I started using ShellieT in social media posts and videos a while back to help readers remember where to find this little
When God Smiles at You
Hello friend! Happy New Year! I’ve got a word of encouragement for you today. It’s one we don’t celebrate nearly as much in the body of Christ as we should, but one I want to be found sharing with anyone who’ll listen. First, some back story. Yesterday, I had the great pleasure of being with a group of women at my local First Methodist Church here
A Christmas Story for my friends
Hello friend, I've been trying to snag time to write to this sweet community all season long, and well, I guess you see how that turned out! I could detail all the Christmas doings that have kept me from it, but I know you've been in the same throes of activity. And I feel sure if you're stealing a few minutes to read these words,