Weather Funnies for the Win

I can’t be the only one who needs a laugh? Last weekend I was speaking in Kansa and found myself needing to take shelter in a basement amidst tornado sirens and hail. Today, I’m here at my daughter’s in Houston dealing with bad weather and an elevated flood alert (am I the common denomiator?) when we remembered this little moment from 2011. I simply had to find this gem on the website for y’all asap because, wait for it, “Life can be hard when it’s good but it’s always better when you’re laughing.” It’s the bangs for me. What say you?

A lighter update from my hometown…

Friday afternoon I ran out to take care of a few errands and found this fellow at the coffee shop! I immediately recognized him as FOX news correspondant Steve Harrigan. Of course, I introduced myself and struck up a conversation.

I told him that I had caught one of his reports on Vicksburg and I felt like he did a good job of reporting WITHOUT sensationalizing, but I didn’t stop there. I couldn’t resist joking with him about how we feel about the national media running down here and clinging to our light poles. I told him there was even a little piece in my latest book where I gave his friend, Geraldo, a hard time for running around the Big Easy with his little hand-held wind meter.

That led to my giving him a signed copy of Sue Ellen’s Girl Ain’t Fat, She Just Weighs Heavy. (He said he would have to go back to NY and share the weather bit with Geraldo!) It also led directly to the second picture. I doubt anyone is going to believe this, but it was Steve’s idea! “I guess I should cling to a pole,” he said. We agreed that I should look like I’m trying to pull him off of it.

Are we good actors? I report. You decide.

Hugs, Shellie

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