Frozen in Dixie
With the temps reach blistering highs and the humidity so thick every trip outdoors feels like one is going out for a swim, it's time for a good ice cream recipe, amen? This dish is actually feature in my first humor book, "Suck Your Stomach In and Put Some Color On" but I was whipping it up for my Pokeno group the other evening when
Jesus Doesn’t Do Tagbacks
Don't blink or Summer 2015 will be over, in the books. Done. That startles me. I made all sorts of promises to myself when the weather started warming up here in northeast Louisiana. This summer I would work less and spend more time on the lake or in the pool, less time being a grownup and more time playing like a kid. And here we are, well
On Good Friends and Evil Pranks
Hello folks, let's chat! Every other Friday I write for a blog called Southern Belleview. Perhaps you've been visiting with us there. We have ten authors and speakers who blog regularly about this, that, and the other, and as our tag-lines puts it, "We are down write southern." (Tricky, huh?) One of my good friends who also happens to be a Southern Belleview belle was with
Roasted Potatoes and Onions with Fresh Herbs
Hello folks and welcome back to the All Things Southern kitchen! So, I've been working on my new cookbook/memoir Hungry is a Mighty Fine Sauce. It is scheduled to be released October 2016-- but, that's neither here nor there. What I was about to say is that I'm bound and determined that this not be a pretentious cookbook. Meaning, I want to share simple meals
On Secret Service, Going to Heaven, and Calling Ahead
My cell phone buzzed late the other night with an attention getting text message from my daughter-in-law Carey, who I knew to be vacationing with my son and grandchildren in the fine state of Texas. "Well, Keggie," the text began, "we had a little run in with the Secret Service today, but we're okay." Excuse me?! I quickly sent Carey a number of question marks along with
Without Me He Won’t
Sometimes I throw up word pictures on my Instagram, which is synced to my Twitter, which is tied to my Facebook (and am I the only one thinking about the hip bone connected to the thigh bone?). These takeaway thoughts are always pulled straight from what's going on in my own life. Meaning, I'm "preaching" to myself first, and then to anyone listening out there
It Be Powerful All Right
Hello folks, let's chat
I Think, You Think, We all Think
Hundreds of years ago, a French philosopher named Rene Descartes shut himself up in a room to do some thinking. He did a lot of thinking, too. In fact, good old Rene did so much thinking that even today people are still thinking about one of the things he thought. Rene's the fellow who said: "I think, therefore I am." I don't know how Rene got
Amazing Chocolate Caramel Cookies
Hello folks and welcome back to the All Things Southern kitchen! This is as near to perfect as a cookie can get. It'll bake to a nice crunch around the edges, while keeping a chewy center, thanks to my caramel pieces. Trust me. You'll make big points with these cookies! Let me show y'all how to stir 'em up. "Amazing Chocolate Caramel Cookies" 1 cup (2 sticks)
On Elephants and Donkeys and all things Straight Running Crazy
Hello folks, let's chat