Pay it Forward Founder Kassi Robinson Visits ATS LIVE…
Kassi talks about how we can all pay it forward! And Uncle Si's son and daughter-in-law are in studio, too. Staff Sergeant Scott Robertson is a recruiter for the United States Army. We enjoyed visiting with him about all the Army can do for you! (And of course, Shellie brought a story with her. This one about Super Daddy and her confusion over the miraculous
My Man and I — We Can’t Hear Them Now
Hello folks, let's chat
Sugar Glazed Salmon
Welcome back to the All Things Southern kitchen, friends! I'm serving my Sugar Glazed Salmon for supper! Let me walk you through it and you can serve these delicious filets to your hungry bunch. "Sugar Glazed Salmon" 1 and 1/2 pounds salmon fillets 1/3 cup Teriyaki sauce 1/4 cup olive oil 1/3 cup water 1 teaspoon garlic 1 teaspoon ginger 1/3 cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon lemon pepper Juice of one lemon squeezed over the
Living Hand to Mouth on the Words of God
I was just a child the first time I heard it said that a good woman could throw more out the back door than a good man could bring in through the front. For the life of me, I couldn't imagine why the man's wife wanted to throw all of their stuff in the back yard. Years later I realized that the front door/back door
Come on Down, Hump Day Camel (We’ve Got Bigger Fish to Fry)
Hello folks, let's chat
Spicy Stuffed Baby Peppers
Hello folks, and welcome back to the All Things Southern kitchen. I guess I'm into mini-food. Remember when I got all crazy over the new bite-size spuds? Now I've been having fun dreaming up ways to use those little bags of baby peppers you can find in the produce aisle these days. Let me walk y'all through my Spicy Stuffed Baby Peppers. You'll love 'em! "Spicy
My Partner is Out of This World
Some of you may remember my talking about the rainbows in my herb garden. It was about this time last year when I first mentioned it. Allow me to sketch a quick back story in case you missed it because it's back on my mind. I have a spot in my back yard, above my herb garden, where I can create a rainbow at will. I
Mea Cupla from Video Woman and a DVD Give-a-Way of Heart Wide Open
I’ve had zero qualms about chatting up the world about Heart Wide Open, at least in the book format. The DVD teaching? Not so much. And that’s not right. My relative silence doesn’t do justice to do the message of Heart Wide Open and it definitely doesn’t honor the self-sacrificing labor that so many people poured into the DVD’s release. This, then, is my mea culpa