Because I Can

My early morning thought progression of which I feel I must share though I feel sure my grown kids and their spouses wish I wouldn’t:

This is such a pretty tree–

It’s a shame this side of it isn’t as pretty since we lost that big limb…

On the other hand…it might help make it a great climbing tree. When the grands get old enough to climb trees, I wonder if they could use this flat shelf here like a step…

Yep, that’s what I thought!

What, Dixie Belle?

 Because I can. That’s why.


P.S. It occurs to me that perhaps my exhaustive research into SRC behavior (Straight Running Crazy) has begun to take it’s toll on me and the Squirrel Patrol Czar. I’m climbing trees and her eyes made her look a tad unbalanced in that last pic, didn’t they? Be nice if you comment. God don’t like ugly.



  • June 24, 2011

    Makes perfect sense to me, to test it for the Grands…just to be sure it’s safe. Also, I always thought the upside of trees a great place to pray. Hugs.

  • June 24, 2011

    You know one of my favorite characters in The Gin Girl says, “God don’t like ugly.” and she was talking about some mean behavior. Stay up in that tree till I tell you it’s safe to come down. The Cat

  • Jody
    June 24, 2011

    I love This Shellie. You Go Girl !

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