•  All Things Southern (Page 12)

So, this is happening! I'm going to be teaching my new book at Whites Ferry Rd., Church of Christ in West Monroe, LA, January 25, 2020. Along with beautiful times of worship in song, guests can expect three study sessions, breaks with refreshments, and a delicious lunch! All for $25 with an Early Bird Special of $20! I’ve purposefully chosen an intimate setting with limited

Hey y'all! See this bad boy? He’s officially called a Zenergy but there’s a story behind his new nickname and he is not as innocent as this pic would suggest. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ The beloved farmer and I bought him a while back. (I wrote about it here.)  We used him for a while —until he somehow got unplugged, and sat alone through the busy holidays. I fixed

Merry Christmas, friends! May the love of God, the grace of Christ Jesus and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit overwhelm you with joy today. Our devotional has drawn to a close, but I hope you’ll stay connected. I want to keep walking forward with you. As Oswald Chambers once said in one of my all-time favorite quotes, “Let the past sleep, but let it

Christmas is near, and I hope you and yours enjoy every minute of it! My prayer is that these short devotions have set us up to resist the empty promises the world hawks twenty-four/seven and walk into the deep and wide life Jesus died to give us.   It’s impossible to read John without wondering about the discrepancy between the experience of the average believer and the

The to-do list is long, and time seems short, but we walk among souls God dearly loves. Our opportunity is to stay conscious of Jesus and let Him reach for them through our lives, even as we go about our day.   We don’t learn such living in a once and done. We learn it by daring to die to us and live to Him in this

Caution. We are the most susceptible to reaching for the wrong fix when we’re tired and stressed. Jesus is near, count Him dear and choose well today. Temporary hits can’t satisfy eternal hunger … Whatever we reach for to make ourselves feel better today will become a fix we’ll need more of tomorrow. No amount of acquisitions, affirmations, or acclamations from creation can substitute for the

The Christmas countdown may bring stressful shopping trips and exchanges with the occasional grinch, but you and I are not only called to be Christlike in our response, we’re equipped for it. Immanuel is real world support for all who learn to call on Him.   I haven’t yet made it to a place where I’m always saintly, and I don’t live with unlimited patience for those

Christmas may be drawing closer, but for those who have trusted Christ, its promise is already ours! We can say no to the commercialism with its empty promise of the perfect Christmas by saying yes to Immanuel, God with Us, the perfect Savior.   We don’t want to try harder to do better, remember? We want to lean harder, and trust Jesus to strengthen our dusty frames

People are prone to making us perform to stay in their good graces or do penance if we let them down. We lose big when we allow those experiences to color our relationship with God. No amount of penance before God can secure the favor Christ Jesus has already won on our behalf. I’ve learned to live celebrating the truth that I’m forgiven, accepted, and loved