Finding a Deep and Wide Christmas Advent – Dec. 19th

The Christmas countdown may bring stressful shopping trips and exchanges with the occasional grinch, but you and I are not only called to be Christlike in our response, we’re equipped for it. Immanuel is real world support for all who learn to call on Him.


I haven’t yet made it to a place where I’m always saintly, and I don’t live with unlimited patience for those around me. The sole difference is, I now understand how quickly darkness can creep in and consume my thoughts if I refuse to expose them to the Light. I’ve discovered the immeasurable benefit of owning up to how much I need Jesus and asking Him for help over, again, and constantly. I can’t recommend this life of running to Jesus strongly enough. When we openly acknowledge our inability to live for Him without drawing from Him, we get to pull from the bottomless well of resources that are ours in and through Christ Jesus. ~excerpted from Finding Deep and Wide, releasing January 2020

For with You is the fountain of life; in Your light we see light (Psalm 36:9).

[bctt tweet=”When we openly acknowledge our inability to live for Him without drawing from Him, we get to pull from the bottomless well of resources that are ours in and through Christ Jesus. #findingdeepandwide” username=”shelliet”]