Longing for Home
I came home from our Colorado ski trip to an email box that runneth over and a desk piled high with time sensitive tasks. To use one of Papa’s expressions, nobody hit a lick at a snake around this office while I was gone. I’d fire my staff, only I don’t have one, which explains a lot. But, seriously, digging out hasn’t been that bad
Road Tripping Confession
Hello folks, let's chat…Some stories need to marinate before husband type people can find the humor in them. Women know this, intuitively, but Southern Mamas are good at passing along the skill. I’m looking at you, Charlotte Ann. Today’s story is a good example for several reasons, A) the car featured here was unharmed, B) we had traded it before I ‘fessed up, and C) Phil
Lemon Glazed Monkey Bread
Welcome back to the All Things Southern kitchen folks! Y’all, I had a little idea the other evening that turned into a big hit. We’ve made monkey bread around our parts, for, well, a long time—that would be a cake, prepared with refrigerator biscuits coated in a sugar and cinnamon mixture. I imagine you’ve had it, too. Well, I love all things lemon, so I
A Life in Christ verses a Christian Experience
I was in New York recently on a publicity tour for my new release, Devotions for the Hungry Heart. It was incredibly interesting, and not just because I couldn't say the words New York without hearing the voice of that salsa commercial from years back saying, “New York City?!!!” Okay, there’s that, but my BFF and partner in pranks, Rhonda Perry, traveled with me and that
Ditch the Resolutions for Lasting Transformation
Heads-up, y’all. The new people we want to become are found in Christ Jesus, not in our resolutions, however sincere they may be. We can try to be more loving, more forgiving, and more patient. We can try to remember to pray more, read our Bibles more, and complain less, but we’ll be setting ourselves up to fail and frustrating the grace of Christ while
The After Christmas Staredown
Hello folks, let’s chat… The tree is bare, presents have been opened, and there’s a solid chance that large amounts of sugar have been consumed. Fa, la, la, la, la, and all that, but if you have little ones afoot, I hope you have a good stare down skill. You may find it helpful right about now. A good stare-down is hard to teach. Personally, I
Careful What You Wish For
And, it’s a wrap! Christmas 2017 is in the books. I hope it was all you dreamed it would be. Sometimes, the expectations can fall way short of the reality. I remember having my heart set on a certain game as a young child and being mighty happy when I found my heart's desire under the Christmas tree. Sadly, however, its plastic parts didn't even
Sea Salt and Caramel Fudgelicious
Happy New Year, y'all! I decided to stop on a dime and share this recipe during Christmas last week because I sorta, kinda, developed it accidentally and the beloved farmer and I think it is worthy of opening our own bakery. Yes, we're good at celebrating the small things. But, it occurred to me that y'all may have been looking for new goodies to wow
Choosing Christmas, Day Twenty-Three
Day Twenty-Three December 25 Merry Christmas, friends! It’s been an absolute pleasure to walk through these very special days with you. Christ has come. Our challenge in the coming days is to not put the baby away with the manger scene. Let’s allow Him to grow up in the Bethlehem of our hearts, for that baby became a man
Choosing Christmas, Day Twenty-Two
Day Twenty-Two December 24 Did you know commentaries are split on whether Mary stayed until Elizabeth actually gave birth, or if she left right before Baby John made his way into the world? It’s another one of those details the Father doesn’t believe we need to know. While Elizabeth would’ve come to full-term in her pregnancy while Mary was there as her houseguest, we can’t say definitely