Puzzle Therapy and Family Traditions
I'm thinking about y'all tonight. Your faces came to me as I sifted the pile for border pieces. Every card table gathering of puzzle warriors I've ever partnered with have agreed to that major rule-- outside edges first. Sisters-in-laws
This CLOSE to a miracle!
Hear ye, hear ye! My son and daughter-in-law presented us with grandchild number five this week. Meet Weston Phillip Tomlinson, 8 pounds 8 ounces, born 12:22 PM, 11/13/13. As you might imagine, Weston has already staked his claim in my heart. My cup runneth over in a big way
The Disembodied Hand – A Halloween Story
So you like a spooky story, do you? Well, I’ve got just what the creepy doctor ordered. We’ll be reading straight from the fifth chapter of Daniel. Of course, I’m just dying to add some commentary here and there, but I’ll put my thoughts in italics to make double dog sure there’s no misunderstanding. Once upon a time in a land for away a royal named
Who Wants to Be a Miracle With Me?
November is fast approaching and I've been trying to make a decision that concerns the All Things Southern community. I've prayed about it. I've asked God for wisdom with as much sincerity as I know how to muster. I thought I needed more answers to proceed. I've known the when and the why. The how, who, what and with whom were blanks. If I were going to do it again this
Trouble in Texas? I report, You Decide
Perhaps you've seen images of Coach Les Miles "holding" his frenzied caged Tigers in the tunnel before a big game. It looks like this. He waits as long as possible before he "releases" them on the opposition. What you may not know is that there is another coach in Houston, TX who is tasked with restraining a similar group of frenzied athletes. While they are playing a different sport, you can clearly see from the following picture
Leaving on a Jet Plane…
Hey y'all! I write to you with mixed emotions from a hotel room in Loveland, CO. I’ve been here all week as the guest of Resurrection Fellowship, where I’ve been teaching my book Heart Wide Open for the last three evenings. Rez (as they are more informally known), has been recording these sessions to produce a DVD of the event. Let it be known that I am officially in
ATS LIVE will be swangin’ in just a few with special guest Beth K. Vogt
Hey y'all! Sliding into the station right under the wire. You're right. You can file that under "What else is new, Shellie?" Hope you're making plans to join me on air for another laid back episode of the South's favorite radio show. The show that pleases your mama, lowers your blood pressure, and makes your kids sit up and act pretty. ATS LIVE will be kicking off
Serendipity and Unanswered Prayers
Serendipity: a happy accident or pleasant surprise. Our lives are full of accidents and surprises. Being able to see the happy and find the pleasant in them-- that's the hat trick. More than a decade ago, after filling away yet another rejection letter, I squared my shoulders and took another path. I spent the next several years working feverishly to build a platform for my writing. Progress was
Bring it on, FIFTY! This belle ain’t skeered!
The other day my author friend prefaced what she was about to say to me by telling me it would make me laugh. Duly warned, I was prepared for a chuckle but her next comment gave me the kind of belly laugh that I dearly love. Author Friend said I was "the sanest person she knew." If you are a friend, family member, or long-time reader you will need
I See the Moon
The most beautiful moon led me home last night. I knew my cell phone camera wouldn't do it justice, but I had to try. I knew I'd want to share the moment with y'all. The moon was perfectly round and startling it it's brilliance-- and, bear with me here, but I felt it's company. Am I not getting weirder all the time? Wait. Don't answer that. I'm not saying the