What I heard
And Jesus said, "Let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God? Believe also in me." And I hear: We can not wrap our minds around God and our faith suffers for it unless we learn to wrap our reaching hearts around Jesus, the hope of glory! Believing in God way up there doesn't comfort the troubled heart. Believing He sent his only begotten Son
30 Days of Thankfulness- Day Four! This Sonday, I’m feeling grateful for my church family!
30 Days of Thankfulness-- Day Four! Authors, it's not to late to partner with us as we combine our platforms to raise awareness about human trafficking and raise funds towards their rescue through Kimberly L. Smith's foundation, Make Way Partners. Can we catch this vision together? I think so. In years past, I've asked you to donate a certain small dollar amount. This year, I'm respectfully asking you
I do these things so y’all want have to…
I woke up this morning craving hot chocolate. Were there any prepared mixes in the pantry? Of course not. Did I run to the grocery store? Of course not. I wanted needed to be writing! Besides, there's a reason my kids call me the queen of substitution. I scanned a number of recipes, took an idea from this one and an idea from that one, based on what
Thirty Days of Thankfulness/Writers and Readers Reach Out #2012
It's that time, y'all! This Nov. 1st we will officially launch our 30 Days of Thankfulness here at All Things Southern. Longtime readers will recognize it as our annual humanitarian effort designed to coincide with the Thanksgiving season. So many of you have joined with me in past years to express our gratitude by reaching out to those in need. Remember when we worked with Life Today to drill
Weekend Warriors
OH, the fun we had this past weekend when the Houston baby czars joined the Louisiana czars! Four little ones under four creates the most wonderful chaos. I relished the first opportunity for them to play in Keggie and Pop's Grand Play House. The pictures don't do the spot justice, so here's some FYI: It's a walk-in closet that I cleaned out for them. I painted the bottom
Courtney Walsh to visit ATS LIVE, Monday the 8th
Heads up, freaders! (That's friend/readers for any newcomers.) I do hope you're making plans to join me tomorrow evening for ATS LIVE, the radio talk show that is unlike anything else on air, and I don't even think I'll elaborate on that. You'll just have to join us and experience the porch for yourself. I'm excited about my special guest, Courtney Walsh. Courtney is an author, scrapbooking expert,
Spice tea + comfy jeans + cool weather = Bestseller? Oh, just say yes!
Awoke to an awesome Saturday. Temps have dropped and I have a free block of time to get some words down on the work in progress. But, hey-- I may be offline but that doesn't mean I'm not thinking about y'all, dear readers. And to prove it, I thought I'd post one of my favorite fall treats. I whip up this Spice Tea every year around this time. It's next week's
Pumpkin Finery Ideas from My House to Yours
Hey y'all! I remember sharing this idea last year, but since I can't find a picture or post to prove it, (isn't that par?), and since it takes minimal time to yield maximum charm (who doesn't love that combo?), I decided a redo was in order! Last year I did several large pumpkins and gours of different colors, but this is what I had on hand, so last night
My Happy First Day of Autumn Present to Y’all!
The Lucy Cookbook is a labor of pure love. It's all of my mother-in-law's recipes bound into one keepsake, pulled together by my sister-in-law, Sandy. Mawmaw Lucy had lost her battle with Alzheimer's by the time the project was finished, making the handwritten recipes that much more of a treasure to all of us. The other night I pulled it out and began browsing the familiar pages again. It felt
When Buildings Fell
We all know where we were. My family and friends were far from any of the ghastly scenes but every year I find myself needing to try and process it all over again. We remember as a nation. We remember as individuals. I've had my grand girls today. We've been down to mama's to check on her, where I expressed heartfelt appreciation to my Cousin Michelle for being willing to fill in gaps with