•  Audio (Page 2)

I’m Shellie, a laughter loving story stacking farmer’s wife, country cook, mom, and Keggie to five adorable grands. I’m also a speaker, author, and Bible teacher.  Everything reminds me of a story, and I believe life is better when you’re laughing. Hit subscribe and stick around. We need to chat… Meet our guest today, Becky Kopitsky, author of the Cranky Mom. She’ll be on later with solid

Hey, y’all! We’re making Broccoli Love in the All Things Southern kitchen today, or what I fondly refer to as “broccoli for the people who don’t think they like broccoli!” Also, author Sarah Beckman will be in to chat about her new book, Hope in the Hard Places.   Sarah is a national speaker and the bestselling author of Alongside, but she’s also a seasoned traveler in

Hey, y’all! My friend Jolina Petersheim will be joining me in a bit to talk about her new book, How the Light Gets In. Jolina and her husband live in the mountains of Tennessee with their three young daughters. How the Light Gets In is her fifth novel and it’s a modern retelling of Ruth set in a cranberry bog in Wisconsin that will hook you

Happy New Year, y’all. 2019 has arrived. I remember listening in to an adult conversation years ago and hearing my Uncle Bryon talking about what he thought we’d see in the future.  Back then 2019 sounded quite futuristic to my young ears.  Uncle Bryon used to say that one day the roads would move instead of the cars. He saw us driving our vehicles onto the

Welcome, y’all. Shellie here, in this week’s episode of All Things Southern, I’ll be visiting with Michelle Ule. Michelle is a bestselling author of historical novellas, an essayist, blogger and the biographer of Mrs. Oswald Chambers: The Woman Behind the World's Bestselling Devotional, but today she’ll join us to talk about her newest release, A Poppy in Remembrance. We’ll also swing through the kitchen and I’ll close

  We saw yesterday that only one leper turned back to acknowledge the Source of the blessing, and in verse nineteen Jesus said this grateful one displayed faith that made him whole. Some of your translations will say his faith saved him. What about the other nine? Where they only healed physically, not spiritually? The Bible doesn’t say, so neither can we. But it would seem

Welcome, y’all. Shellie here, in this week’s episode of All Things Southern, I’ll be visiting with Deb Coty, best-selling author of the phenomenally successful Too Blessed to Be Stressed Series. Deb is a popular humorist, speaker, and award-wining author. She’s also a choco-athlete. We'll let her explain that one.  (Listen to the audio to find out how to enter a giveaway drawing for a personalized