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Hello friend! It's high time we catch up, wouldn't you say? I'll go first. It's March Madness on so many levels around here. There's NCAA basketball fever, for sure. We Tomlinsons love us some basketball. You can read that as we'll be those people grieving when the winners finish cutting down the nets, but that's a few weeks off, so right now we're in hog

Hey friend! It’s ShellieT here with a host of different things on my mind, meaning today's letter will be a little longer than normal. I have a Holy Week reading for you at the end, but first. Let’s chat… I'll begin with that intro. I started using ShellieT in social media posts and videos a while back to help readers remember where to find this little

Whoa! I blinked and it’s time for our 30 Days of Thankfulness tradition! New to it? Here’s the mini backstory: I introduced this November drive to my readers almost two decades ago. (That timeline feels crazy, but it’s true!) The idea is to spend the days leading up to Thanksgiving demonstrating our gratitude, rather than simply expressing it. Over the years we’ve supported a range

Hey friend, I'm meeting myself coming and going on the road right now, but you are never far from my mind. Honest! I'm always asking the Lord for ways to add value to your life, to ease your load, to make you chuckle, but most of all, to help you discover the abundance of Christ Jesus. And not because I think I've arrived. Goodness no,