Writing with the Stars meets The Story- A New Reality Radio Segment Premieres on ATSLIVE!
Fun! That's what it's going to be! I've been playing around with having an ATS LIVE segment that would be like a writing reality radio show, think Writing with the Stars meets The Story with different authors participating on each episode. And because I am a spur of the moment type of belle, I've decided there is no time like the present! That said, this
Photo Ops and the Big Drift
As I pulled my paddle through the water, and eased into prayer, the sun began peeking over the line of cypress trees on the lake’s edge, casting a glorious band of gold across the surface like it was marking out a path. It felt like divine timing. Yesterday I’d been writing about a scripture from Proverbs 4:18, “But the path of the righteous is like
Pumpkin Finery Ideas from My House to Yours
Hey y'all! I remember sharing this idea last year, but since I can't find a picture or post to prove it, (isn't that par?), and since it takes minimal time to yield maximum charm (who doesn't love that combo?), I decided a redo was in order! Last year I did several large pumpkins and gours of different colors, but this is what I had on hand, so last night
“Plant the Seed” Austin Moody to visit ATS LIVE today, Monday 24th!
I'm in a full-out run today, laying tracks here at home for the taped radio segments that air daily on my affiliates in what I fondly call the "Redneck Radio Studio" (I really must document it with pics soon) -- and then it's on to Monroe for errands and this afternoon's production of ATS LIVE the Radio Show! My special guest today is Austin Moody, son of
My Happy First Day of Autumn Present to Y’all!
The Lucy Cookbook is a labor of pure love. It's all of my mother-in-law's recipes bound into one keepsake, pulled together by my sister-in-law, Sandy. Mawmaw Lucy had lost her battle with Alzheimer's by the time the project was finished, making the handwritten recipes that much more of a treasure to all of us. The other night I pulled it out and began browsing the familiar pages again. It felt
When Buildings Fell
We all know where we were. My family and friends were far from any of the ghastly scenes but every year I find myself needing to try and process it all over again. We remember as a nation. We remember as individuals. I've had my grand girls today. We've been down to mama's to check on her, where I expressed heartfelt appreciation to my Cousin Michelle for being willing to fill in gaps with
Learning a Better Way the Hard Way
I was always taught that "If you don't have anything to say, don't say anything at all." I still think it's good advice. Lately, however, I've been on The Potter's wheel learning a better way, the hard way. Hugs, Shellie What have you been learning on The Potter's Wheel?
The Blue Moon Lingers
The beauty of last night's blue moon lingers
Dear Nat’l Media: A suggestion for those clinging to our lightpoles and standing in our ditches (Can I Get a Share or RT? THX!)
******8-29-12 After watching that last storm update, I feel compelled to offer the following pertinent except from my most recent book, Sue Ellen's Girl Ain't Fat, She Just Weighs Heavy . Perhaps it will help some to refrain from sharing quite so enthusiastically. THX! ****** On behalf of my fellow Louisianans, and our many friends in other hard hit areas of the southern region, I’d like to have a come to
Kellie Coates Gilbert on ATS LIVE in just a few! 5:06 PM CST
Dashing off a quick post from this coffee shop before heading to the studio. Battling a killer sinus infection and my doc is out of the office. Yes, I know I could use someone else. Meet Mrs. Creature of Habit. Meanwhile, back at the home place, my men (along with thousands of their closest friends from a handful of states) are in full Hurricane Mode. Some