Score One for Mrs. Mamie Lee
I’ve told y’all story after story about Old Man Henry and the good-natured ribbing he’s always giving his wife. Well, turnabout is fair play, girls, and it seems Mrs. Mamie is getting pretty good at the game herself. First a little back story: Mrs. Mamie has been having a few weak spells, nothing really serious, but our local doctor thought she should have it checked out
The Good Judge Holds Court
I take some good-natured ribbing at times about stretching the corners of my stories for entertainment value but I would like the record to show that fishermen and hunters give me a run for my money. One day a group of men were standing around the John Deere store reminiscing about hunting trips gone by when Judge Allen and his wife had dropped in to do
Mrs. Knaff Turns the Tables
Remember when I told y’all that the Knaff’s were hoping their daughter would be able to come in for the holidays and bring the triplets? Living clear across the country from them the way they do, the Knaffs don’t get to see Connie’s family as much as they do their other three girls and the grandkids that live around here. I think it’s been almost a
How to Deliver Bad News
I’d like to give a hearty shout-out on the All Things Southern porch to our senior population. Y’all rock in my book. Did you know the number of Americans who are continuing to work past the age of 75 has skyrocketed over the last twenty years? It’s true. People over the age of 75 account for somewhere around 7% of the total work force. I
How to Wake Up your Audience
Today’s story should go a long way to explaining why it’s important to do your own legwork when you’re speaking, preaching, or as I like to say, “Just talking really hard.” A minister decided to visit a large church in a nearby city while he was on vacation. Before the service began he introduced himself to the preacher and explained that he was intrigued
“Dennis is Looking for the Big Time”
I found a long-lost cousin the other day on the Internet. Or, to be more accurate, Clarissa found me. I can’t tell you exactly how we’re kin, but the branches of the tree meet somewhere back there. It’s been about ten years since we’ve seen each other and that was at a family reunion. We’ve had a big time sending emails back and forth catching
Why Belle Training Needs to Start Early
My daughter gave her nieces, the bellerina czars, their own personalized stationary for Christmas. True, they’ll both need their mama’s help to pen a note, but you can’t start a belle’s thank you note training too early. I doubt you’ll be surprised to learn that it also reminded me of a story… I remember when my friend, Julia, ordered her kids personalized thank you notes. She
Letting Mama Cat Out of the Bag
The story goes that once upon a time a husband and wife were headed to the biggest Christmas party of the season. After dressing to the nines, they phoned the local cab company and requested a taxi. Then they switched on a night-light, turned up the answering machine, covered the pet parakeet and put the cat in the backyard. Soon, the taxi pulled up to the
Shoppin’, Aunt Marie Style
I can't remember if I've introduced y'all to my feisty Aunt Marie or not. She's not really my aunt, she's a family friend, but most everyone calls her Aunt Marie. This past week Aunt Marie celebrated her 91st birthday. She's in remarkably good health and she still lives alone. The only thing she seems to be having trouble with is her memory. Don’t worry. She’d
Holiday Traveling Travails
Some of my favorite holiday stories ever come from the Knaff family and the traveling travails of their daughter, Connie. The last of the four Knaff girls, Connie is a little thing with a big personality. She tops off around five foot. Her husband towers over her, coming in at six-four. They have three sons, triplets, and it looks like they all have their daddy’s