•  Chuckle (Page 8)

I’m all for folks getting an education and making a better life for themselves but I’ve noticed something. Sometimes, too much book sense can cause a person to use a string of two-dollar words when a fifty-cent word would be a better fit. If you’ve been around my porch long, you may know that I’m as partial to stretching out a good story as anyone

LuAnn reports that she had a birthday last week. She also reported an adorable story that deserves to be shared. LuAnn was celebrating one of the big ones, a birthday with a nice round number, and that’s as far as I’m going. I know better. LuAnn is one of those belles who freely admits that she doesn’t give a fig about aging gracefully—she’s fighting it

Mrs. Myrtle has a thing about having to parallel park on Main Street. She remembers when the city planners first started talking about going to parallel marking to make more room for traffic. That must have been at least thirty or more years ago now. Mrs. Myrtle didn’t like it then, and she doesn’t like it now. She’s been known to make the block as

Okay, call this a shameless plug, but I want to give a shout out to one of the newest reality shows to hit the market. I figured I owed it to y’all since yours truly has been open about how little regard I have for most of ‘em. Yes, as a general rule, the beloved hubby and I haven’t been big reality TV fans. Heretofore,