“Old Man Henry Speaks His Mind”

Mrs. Mamie Lee tells me that Old Man Henry has been unusually grumpy lately. That’s saying something. As I may have mentioned, Mr. Henry can find the dark side of a rainbow. I asked his longsuffering wife if she knew what was troubling him and learned that Mr. Henry has had his lip ran out extra long ever since their preacher announced that he was moving.

That surprised me. I had no idea Mr. Henry and the preacher were that close. I told Mrs. Mamie Lee so and she said, “Not many people did. It was their little secret. Henry was forever ribbing the poor man about his sermons being too long, but you could tell it didn’t bother Bro. Howard in the least. He was quicker than most people to figure out that Henry’s bark is worse than his bite and that he only really picks on the people he likes. He started dishing it right back to Henry, which tickled the old goat to no end.”

Being as I’m one of those people Mr. Henry likes, I understood exactly what she was saying. Mrs. Mamie continued, “I imagine it has something to do with change, too. Henry never has liked change but he’s getting worse about it the older he gets. I was just glad Bro. Howard came out to the farm to tell Henry goodbye before he left town.”

“I am, too,” I said. “Did they have a nice visit?”

Mrs. Mamie drew in her breath and sighed. “Yes, Shellie, in their own strange way, I suppose they did in their own strange way. They were visiting on the porch and I could hear them from the kitchen. Seemed like Bro. Howard tried to get serious a time or two but Henry wasn’t having any of it. Once, I heard the reverend say, “Seriously, Henry, you’ll like the new minister. I hear he’s a very good preacher.

“Oh, sure,” Henry said. “That’s what they told us the last time.”
