The Blue Moon Lingers
The beauty of last night's blue moon lingers
Backwards Beatitudes
I know. I've been MIA on the blog lately. I've found it challenging to keep all of the ATS balls in the air during Mama's back surgery and recovery. The to-do list got whittled down to the must-do and the blog didn't make the cut. Mama's doing well, improving a little more every day. She's a good patient. She doesn't want to "bother anyone", this from a woman who has
Have You Ever Been Good and Lonely?
Have you ever been good and lonely? I know it sounds like an oxymoron, but it happens to me a lot and (bad pun straight ahead), I don't think I'm alone. Good and lonely slips in at the strangest times. It has nothing to do with other people. I can feel good and lonely in a crowd. Good and lonely never ever makes me sad, but it does fill me with