•  Good news (Page 4)

Believer, beware. It’s possible to get so caught up doing Christmas that we resort to coasting on the leftovers of our last devotional or worship service. Whether that be a conscious or unintentional decision, we’ll be weaker for it.   Have you settled somewhere between coming to Jesus for eternal life and continuing to come to Him for abundant life? You’re not alone, and that’s not a

We can have so much more than a meaningful Christmas. Jesus can form Himself in the Bethlehem of our hearts as surely as He grew up in the ancient city if we’ll own our complacency and ask God to turn it into holy hunger.   We are pilgrims, designed for more. In Him we can be satisfied without being settled, loved without being lazy, rest while ever reaching.

The goal of walking through Christmas with our eyes trained on Jesus isn’t to make it through the holidays without going straight running crazy (although much can be said for being sane come January). The goal is nothing short of knowing the transformative presence of the Savior the baby was born to be!        God won’t drag us into the deep and wide life, and we can’t

It’s impossible not to recognize the increasing commercialism of Christmas, and it’s a good and necessary idea to ask the Holy Spirit to help us stay focused on its true meaning. But as we walk through this season, let’s make sure our observations don’t lead to communication that alienates those who most need to hear the good news of Jesus! Super-abounding grace in the face of

For believers, the Christmas holiday holds meaning far beyond feel-good movies and familiar carols. We can wring our hands over those around us who are missing the glorious message, or we can choose to let our lives spread the message. This world is bloated with religion but starved for Jesus. The good news is that by continually beholding Him, we can share the Bread of

Thanksgiving! It's long been one of my hands-down favorite holidays, and I'm so grateful, no pun intended, that this season of gratitude has proven more resistant to the trappings of commercialism than our other celebrations.  May it always be, right?! So, in the spirit of the season, I've created y'all a little Thanksgiving gift! PRINTABLES! I printed the ones you see here in heavy cardstock with a

Hey y'all, have a seat, and let's chat… I hope your summer has gotten off to a great start. It hasn’t taken long for things to heat up here in the northeast corner of Louisiana. Ironically, yet true to the life of the farmer, we were super late getting our crops planted because of all the rain—and now, we’re laying poly pipe and watering. So are

I made a big announcement on ATS LIVE this past Monday about how I've taken some time lately to lay everything I'm doing before the Lord and asking Him for direction on it all. My goal? To be intentional about where I am and where I'm headed.  That dreaming, musing, and praying, has led me to do some revamping and remodeling here at All Things

Heads-up, y’all. The new people we want to become are found in Christ Jesus, not in our resolutions, however sincere they may be. We can try to be more loving, more forgiving, and more patient. We can try to remember to pray more, read our Bibles more, and complain less, but we’ll be setting ourselves up to fail and frustrating the grace of Christ while