Public Infernos, CA Miljavac, and Finding Truth
Welcome, y’all. This is Shellie and I’ll be chatting with Carolanne Miljavic in this week’s episode to discuss her new debut book, Oddly Enough! Carolanne describes herself as a southern raised, Jesus saved, barely sane author, speaker, social media goofball, wife, and mom of 3 daughters. She says, “Grief taught her gratitude, pain gave her purpose, and loss revealed true love.” Join us for a
Jessica Honegger Visits ATS
Welcome back to All Things Southern y’all. School bells are ringing in these parts. I imagine they are in your corner of the world, too. Which means, of course, that the lazy days of summer have come and gone. Not that there were that many of them, but it’s all good. There’s always something to celebrate. Like Fall’s Spice Tea—I’m sipping on a cup now,
Straight Running Crazy News, BATTLE 2018 , and leaving a legacy
Hey y’all! A new podcast is up! You can find the link to listen at the bottom of this blog post. And/or you can subscribe for free on iTunes. I know, however, that some of y'all are having trouble following the transition, so I've tried to transcribe most of it for you here
Thank you, Captain Obvious
I’ve got a question for y’all. I suppose it’s on my mind because the beloved farmer and I just celebrated our respective birthdays. Tell me, are you as young as you used to be? That’s pretty much what I thought. So, why would I ask such a silly question? Because every time I hear someone tell someone else that he or she isn’t as young as
When Suck it Up Buttercup Isn’t the Answer
I consumed large amounts of water in the days leading up to our recent skip trip to Crested Butte, Colorado, but alas, I still found myself with an extreme case of altitude sickness. Please don’t hear that as I got a tad queasy. This wasn’t that. This was an evil experience. As I said to my beloved once I could speak again, “Are you saying
Longing for Home
I came home from our Colorado ski trip to an email box that runneth over and a desk piled high with time sensitive tasks. To use one of Papa’s expressions, nobody hit a lick at a snake around this office while I was gone. I’d fire my staff, only I don’t have one, which explains a lot. But, seriously, digging out hasn’t been that bad
A Life in Christ verses a Christian Experience
I was in New York recently on a publicity tour for my new release, Devotions for the Hungry Heart. It was incredibly interesting, and not just because I couldn't say the words New York without hearing the voice of that salsa commercial from years back saying, “New York City?!!!” Okay, there’s that, but my BFF and partner in pranks, Rhonda Perry, traveled with me and that
Careful What You Wish For
And, it’s a wrap! Christmas 2017 is in the books. I hope it was all you dreamed it would be. Sometimes, the expectations can fall way short of the reality. I remember having my heart set on a certain game as a young child and being mighty happy when I found my heart's desire under the Christmas tree. Sadly, however, its plastic parts didn't even
Alone at the Throne
It was a seriously bad idea, but we were high school kids out and about on a Friday night. Translation, the whole bunch of us tended to act now and think later. The decision to act now had come when my date’s best friend pulled up alongside of us in his souped-up pick up, with his date riding shotgun. He grinned, racked his pipes, and
That moment in each of our lives
A boy ran by a man standing on the curb. Five minutes later the boy rushed by again, and again, and again. Finally, the man stopped him and asked, “Why are you running in circles, son?” Very indignant, the boy shouted, “I’m not! I’m running away from home!” “Oh,” said the man, “But you’ve gone around the same block at least five times.” “I know!” shouted the