Those Funny California Folks, At It Again
Hello folks, let's chat
Password problems? There’s a Pill for That…
Hello folks! Let's chat
Auto Correct Will Do You Wrong
Hello folks, let’s chat…When my sisters and I were teenagers, Mama had a saying she'd use to cover for people we were upset with if she felt we girls weren't being fair in our assessments of the situation. She drove us crazy saying, "She means well." Granted, we gave Mama ample opportunities to use it. One of us was always in a teenage tizzy about
Selfies Make Your Butt Look Big
Hello folks, let’s chat… Several days ago, I was having coffee with my girlfriends when someone brought up the subject of Selfies. In the event you aren't familiar with the term, "Selfies" is the name given to the endless self-portrait photographs being posted on social media, compliments of our ever present smart phones. For a clue as to how I feel about selfies, I offered the
Is Your Baby Wearing a Toupee?
Hello folks, let’s chat…I happened upon a Straight Running Crazy development earlier that I must share with y'all so I can file it away and try not to think about it again. At least that's the goal. I'll get right to it. You can now buy hair pieces for your baby on the Internet. Let me be perfectly clear, I'm not talking about helping children who
A Pre Duck Dynasty Tale
Hello folks, let’s chat…We did the neatest thing over the holidays. It's something I wished I would've done with some of our other relatives while we had the opportunity, but live and learn, that's my motto. As my daughter-in-law and I began clearing the gumbo dishes that evening, my husband and son started asking my father-in-law questions designed to get him into storytelling mode. For the
Talking While Distracted
Hello folks, let’s chat…Last week I told y'all a funny about how I caught myself in the middle of professing my love to the technician at my computer store. In the event that you missed that one, allow me to sum up the back story. Although I was very grateful to the fellow for rescuing the innards of my laptop, that's the extent of our
Christmas 2013 Laptops and Love Notes
Hello folks, let’s chat… The good news is, I got a new laptop for Christmas. The bad news is, I wasn't through with my old one but the poor thing didn't have the stomach for the full cup of coffee it was offered. It checked out on the spot. Yes ma'am, after all the private moments we've shared, my trusty laptop gave up the ghost without
Post Traumatic Shopping Syndrome
Hello folks, let’s chat…I’ve just learned of something called Post Traumatic Shopping Syndrome and I’m feeling quite vindicated. Turns out I’ve been suffering from post traumatic shopping my entire life; I just didn’t know what to call it. To be clear, I enjoy browsing home accessories and Lord knows I love a book store. My aversion is limited to clothes shopping. During my growing up years,
Tree Trimming is Serious Business, Y’all
Merry Christmas folks, let’s chat…No doubt y’all have finished shopping and wrapping and are enjoying quiet evenings with the family straight out of a Lifetime movie. But, should you be one of the harried ones racing the fat man to the wire, try not to let the pressure get to you. Reports are stacking up with this year’s holiday run-ins. Some are sad, and some are