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Hey y'all, I'm planning a Thanksgiving show this evening on ATSLIVE and I hope you'll join me! Super easy instructions. Simply give me a call on air 1-800-259-1440, leave a comment here or post it on the All Things Southern Facebook wall and tell me what you're most grateful for this year. I'll read your notes during the show! And while you're talking gratitude-- this would be a

Writers and Readers Reach Out 2012 Backstory Here Who we are:  A group of writers and readers endeavoring to live our gratitude out loud during these 30 Days of Thanksgiving by partnering with Make Way Partners, an organization rescuing widows and orphans from human traffickers and offering them hope through the love of Jesus. Make Way Partners offers ongoing medical care and education to those they're able to set free and that's where we come in. What

30 Days of Thankfulness-- Day Four! Authors, it's not to late to partner with us as we combine our platforms to raise awareness about human trafficking and raise funds towards their rescue through Kimberly L. Smith's foundation, Make Way Partners. Can we catch this vision together? I think so. In years past, I've asked you to donate a certain small dollar amount. This year, I'm respectfully asking you

Fun! That's what it's going to be! I've been playing around with having an ATS LIVE segment that would be like a writing reality radio show, think Writing with the Stars meets The Story with different authors participating on each episode. And because I am a spur of the moment type of belle, I've decided there is no time like the present! That said, this

Hey y'all! I remember sharing this idea last year, but since I can't find a picture or post to prove it, (isn't that par?), and since it takes minimal time to yield maximum charm (who doesn't love that combo?), I decided a redo was in order! Last year I did several large pumpkins and gours of different colors, but this is what I had on hand, so last night

The Lucy Cookbook is a labor of pure love. It's all of my mother-in-law's recipes bound into one keepsake, pulled together by my sister-in-law, Sandy. Mawmaw Lucy had lost her battle with Alzheimer's by the time the project was finished, making the handwritten recipes that much more of a treasure to all of us. The other night I pulled it out and began browsing the familiar pages again. It felt

Dashing off a quick post from this coffee shop before heading to the studio. Battling a killer sinus infection and my doc is out of the office. Yes, I know I could use someone else. Meet Mrs. Creature of Habit. Meanwhile, back at the home place, my men (along with thousands of their closest friends from a handful of states) are in full Hurricane Mode. Some