Chapter 15 of Sierra’s Story and a Video Lesson with Shellie

Happy Thursday afternoon to you! Here in northeast Louisiana we’re enjoying an uncharacteristic break in the stifling temps and humidity. It’s much appreciated, too!  Although it occurs to me that this revelation will not help to explain my appearance in the accompanying video. Oh, well, I had something on my heart I wanted to say to y’all face to face, or at least as close to it as we can get. I taped it last night while we were feeding livestock. By the way, I’d love for you to subscribe to my YouTube channel and share this newsletter with your circles! I rarely ask, but I feel the warp speed of time these days and I’d love to talk to as many people as I can about all things Jesus. Of course, I’ll continue to share a little humor and good cooking along the way! Did you try last week’s Mexican Chicken Remake? Talk to me– after you watch the video. LOL! 

If you’re reading these notes on a podcast platform, you’ll likely need to go to for images and links. 

What did you think? Would you like for me to communicate more that way, or do you prefer reading? Or both?! I’m always trying to serve you as best I can! Talk to me. 

Hugs, Shellie 

In today’s episode of Sierra’s Story, the setting shifts to Colorado where Sierra has gone to seek an expert’s advice on her medical condition. Sonny has followed, sight unseen, if you will. Ruth is trying to figure out how this marriage became so broken and how to help them mend while the twins are home waiting for their parents seemingly inevitable divorce. Only One knows these people start to finish. Will they let Him weigh in?