The Final Not So Final Chapter of Sierra’s Story

We’re here! The final episode of Sierra’s Story! Unless it isn’t…I know. I know. That sounds cryptic.

Here’s the deal. My intention all along was to leave the Gray family here. However, not only have I been enjoying sharing this story with you over the summer, but many of you are literally threatening me if I don’t do another season with them. If I didn’t know you people better I might go into hiding. You want to know how Elaine and Jim worked through their marriage problems all those years ago. You want to know what’s going to happen with Luke and Lollie. You want more Judy. You want, well, you want answers, to a lot of questions!  So, I just don’t know. All I can tell you at this point is that I’m taking them under advisement. Stay tuned.

In other news, I’ll be taking a break from podcasting throughout the rest of August and coming back strong in September. I hope you’ll be here waiting for me. What I do know, is that the podcast will continue in this new storytelling form. I have a lot of ideas and I’m asking the Good Lord how and when to pursue them. So, don’t go anywhere. If the Good Lord’s willing and the creek doesn’t rise, I’m not. 

And with that, I give you…Sierra’s Story, the final not so final chapter.

Hugs, Shellie