Don’t Just Feather Your Nest
The birds around here are in full out nest building mode. Dixie and I have been watching them during our morning prayer-times on the back porch. We’re both intrigued by their activity, albeit for different reasons. I think Dixie’s hoping someone will accidentally hop near enough to let her snag a meal without exerting herself too much or giving up her place in the shade. I, however, am intrigued by the way the busy laborers test, search, and pass on twig after twig until they settle on the next ideal building block for their latest construction.
Yesterday morning we were watching two different sparrows doing their comparison stick shopping when another bird swooped in and landed between them. Like birds will do, the others jumped as if someone had shocked their tail feathers before resettling less than a foot away. Now, the interesting thing about the new arrival was the building material she was toting in her own proud beak. I couldn’t identify whether it was natural or synthetic, but one thing was certain. It was three times as long as Mrs. Sparrow and appeared quite heavy. I kid you not, when she decided to fly away moments later, it took her a couple tries to lift off again! I don’t know. Perhaps the weight of her load accounted for that brief pit stop, but I briefly wondered if she hadn’t dropped in just so the other birds could see her latest purchase.
Silly bird. Regardless of how grand Mrs. Sparrow’s nest is, we know it’s just a nest, a very temporal nest, right? The next storm could cast it to the ground. So, I wonder what Father thinks as He watches His crowning creation, you and me, building and feathering our nests as if there’s no tomorrow, always busy improving them or wondering what others might think of them when they’re just as fragile as our vapor like lives. May we be vigilant to build our lives on Jesus Christ, the true foundation. Sun shine or rain storm, we will survive.