Happiest of New Year greetings to my reader family!

The week between Christmas and New Year’s is one of my favorite stretches of time. It’s like the best pause ever, offering anticipation without expectation, space to plan without the pressure of a to-do list. It’s my custom to spend the week leaning in and listening to Jesus direct me concerning the projects stirring in my heart for the year ahead. I was unable to carve out as much “thinking” time as I had hoped for in this sweet week, but that’s okay, too. Jesus is ever speaking. His name is The Word, after all. Our challenge is to be ever listening. Here’s a short list of some of my new year goals. Maybe something will catch your eye and the Lord will call you to adopt the intention with me.

~Because I believe everyone has a story, I resolve to slow down more and listen for yours.

~Because it may encourage you in your journey, I resolve to be open with my challenges and shortcomings despite the popular wisdom that says, “never let ‘em see you sweat.”

~Because I have been and am being forgiven, I resolve to keep forgiveness prepared for others and not wait for an apology to extend it.

~Because there are far too many who go without, I resolve to give more of everything that comes into my heart or through my hands. 

~Because I believe in the power of prayer, I resolve to hold onto heaven with one hand and my friends and family with the other and never, ever let go.

~Because I love God’s word and am absolutely and totally convinced of its power to transform your soul, I resolve to never stop studying it, loving it, living it, and teaching it— and encouraging you to join me in it.

What will you resolve?

Changing the subject somewhat, I jotted the following words out on social media earlier in the week, and I wanted to share them with you, too…

We’ve been enjoying short sleeve weather here in northeast Louisiana for the last couple of weeks! Early mornings wouldn’t require even the lightest of blankets were it not for the gusting winds. The conditions, however, have been perfect for my Jesus throw, a beautifully embroidered gift from Sylvia Bolin, a sweet woman whose church retreat I led a couple years back in Hot Springs. (Has it really been that long? We must fix that Legacy Church.) My Jesus blanket is adorned with the Names of God. I treasure all the ways He reveals Himself but right now I want to celebrate the Wonderful Counselor.


Can I tell you a story…

My soul sated with Jesus’ imitable company, I stood up to go inside this morning and winced when a sharp pain shot through the ball of my left foot. What was this? Maybe it had something to do with the way I’d been sitting, or how I stood up? If that sounds foreign to you, give it a few years. Aging is interesting, at best.

The sharp pain persisted as I headed to the back for my daily extreme makeover. (Another story for another time.) It was impossible to walk without wincing.

I finally made it to the bedroom where I removed my sock to investigate the situation. Getting my foot into inspection position was its own challenge, but once I managed to contort my body, I found the problem. My sock foot had picked up the smallest of thorns from the back porch — but it came with a razor-sharp tip! Once removed, all was well.

Kudos if you’re still reading. There’s a point to my story besides the one on the thorn.

It’s not always easy to settle into prayer. More often than not, it’s downright hard. But it is always, always, always worth it.

See, I’ve learned that what Jesus does for my soul is a lot like what I did for my foot. He finds the thorns causing my heart to limp.

Sometimes He removes thorns I don’t even see. Sometimes He removes thorns I’m fully aware of, only I’ve been clinging to them like well-earned badges. Either way, post prayer, I can walk without wincing.

That’s my Jesus, Wonderful Counselor. Message me if I can introduce you.

I’ve got a recipe for you here, and the most adorable video of the year, here. 

Y’all take care and drop me a line if I can pray for you! New Year Blessings to all!

