A Hungry Devo – The Surrendered Heart

Hey folks! I’m passionate about helping you live the life Jesus died to give you! Storytelling is simply my favorite form of communication because I believe the whole world stops for a story! Today’s episode was taped at my parents’ house. Background music complements of my mom, also known as The Queen of Us All!

Now, for my newsletter readers, here’s my promise to you. I’m not going to fill your inboxes up daily and I’m not going to communicate with y’all solely by video going forward, tomboy honor! LOL. It simply looks that way because I just wrote to you. The thing is, I’m taping a week’s worth of devos for my publisher, and by golly, I figured I’d share them with y’all! So, here you go. If you’re too busy for these this week and you need to delete ’em, I’ll never know. 🙂 If you do enjoy them, forward to your friends and invite them to join us here. Whatever you do, don’t hit unsubscribe. I’ll miss you!



This devo is taken from Devotions for the Hungry Heart by Barbour Publishing.