“Running Bear Goldstein Flys High”

I once heard it said that a writer is an eavesdropper with the instincts of a peeping Tom. I wouldn’t go that far, but I will admit that there’s a hint of truth to the quote. The only way I could possibly quit gathering stories would be to wear blinders and earplugs and something tells me that I could still pick up a few whoppers. It’s just in my blood. That being said, I’ve been on a number of flights lately and I’ve overheard some pretty interesting conversations, but none that were half as much fun as the story I have for you today.

The way I heard it, a would-be Romeo was seated next to a very attractive woman on a coast-to-coast flight. Despite the fact that the woman seemed to be engrossed in a book, our Romeo was doing his best to engage her in conversation. It wasn’t going well. They were nearing the end of their flight and Romeo was feeling the pressure of striking out when he decided to throw caution to the wind. Summoning all of his nerve, he delivered one of his most direct lines. “Excuse me, again,” he said, “but I was wondering what type of man attracts you?”

The object of his affections looked like she might not answer at first, but after a moment, she relented. “I’ve always been drawn to Native American men,” she said. “They’re so in tune with nature.”

“I see,” the man said, nodding.

“But then,” she continued. “I really go for Jewish men who put women on a pedestal and I can hardly resist the way Southern men treat their ladies with such respect.”

That was it. Romeo knew exactly what to do now. “Please,” he said formally, “Forgive me for not introducing myself properly. My name is Running Bear Goldstein, but all my friends call me Bubba.”
