Sausage Creole and Rice

Hello folks and welcome back to the All Things Southern kitchen! Its dinner time, you’re late getting home from work and the family is famished. What ‘cha gonna do? I’m afraid I can’t feed all of you– although I’d love to– but I can teach y’all how to have just a few ingredients in the pantry and fridge and whip up something wonderful in no time flat. Today, I’m going to give y’all my recipe for Sausage Creole and Rice! We’ll do it on the stovetop in about a half-hour, start to finish.

Oops– I didn’t snap a picture of this dish for y’all, so I’m pasting in one of rice growing on our farm, taken by my daughter-in-law, Carey. I thought y’all might enjoy seeing it in the growing season.


“Sausage Creole and Rice”

4 lb. link sausage
1 medium onion, chopped
1 large green pepper, chopped
¼ cup butter
1 (16 ounce) can tomatoes
1 (6 ounce) can tomato paste
1 (3 ounce) can sliced mushrooms, drained
¼ teaspoon chili powder
Salt and pepper to taste
3 cups cooked rice

We’ll begin by cutting our link sausage into bite-size pieces. Meanwhile, I’ve got a chopped onion and green bell pepper in a bit of butter on the stove top. We’ll let it ’em cook down while we put some rice on to boil.

Once our veggies are tender, we’ll add in our sausage along with a small can of sliced and drained mushrooms, a can of tomatoes and a can of tomato paste. We’ll season it to taste with salt and pepper and a ¼ teaspoon of chili powder and our work is done.

Let is simmer for 20-25 minutes and serve over hot fluffy rice with a side salad and French bread. Oh, and enjoy the grateful reviews from the hungry family. It’s Sausage Creole and Rice and its good eating from the All Things Southern kitchen to yours.

Hugs, Shellie