The A-List is Draining the life out of you. Here’s how to get it back!
Hey friend, I'm meeting myself coming and going on the road right now, but you are never far from my mind. Honest! I'm always asking the Lord for ways to add value to your life, to ease your load, to make you chuckle, but most of all, to help you discover the abundance of Christ Jesus. And not because I think I've arrived. Goodness no,
How to live in a broken world
She has no idea of the evil gripping and ripping into our world, no concept of the tremendous grief and anger surging. I see her smile and I hear their wails. I’m present with her as I pray for them. The enemy whispers that this joy is a betrayal. He is a liar. We’re not called to live in darkness. We’re called out of it.
Ode to Country Stores
Hey friend, Got time for a story? I've got country stores on my mind. You may remember that we just finished hosting our grandchildren for the 7th Annual Pops and Keggie Kamp. The Beloved Farmer and I have mostly recovered. Mostly. ~smile~ We packed tons of lovely chaos into our time together but somehow between our morning devotionals, visiting with their great grandparents, four-wheeling on the
The Most Rewarding Invitation Awaits
Hello friend, Welcome back to my porch here in northeast Louisiana. I'm just snagging a moment to reach out to you. Life keeps coming at full speed here and I'm sure you can say the same, but I love this community and I miss y'all when too much time gets away without connecting. So, let's catch up. On this side of the screen, the Beloved Farmer and
Full Moons Can Be Dangerous, Experience Speaking
Sometimes what could’ve happened can be funnier than what did, especially if the potential for major embarrassment has been avoided and all is well. But I suppose I should explain. As a general rule, I’m up before the Beloved Farmer leaves for work. However, on the day the following events transpired I had overslept and the Farmer, being a kind-hearted fella, chose not to wake me.
Typewriter Magic: How Grandma’s Special Gift Inspired a Lifetime of Dreams
Let me tell you a story… I’ve written to you before about my love for the beautiful national magazine, American Essence. I can’t remember how I ran across this gem, but I have been hooked from the first issue I read. In their own words, American Essence is “a magazine that focuses on traditional American values and great American stories. It tells the stories of real
I’ve got Free Samples from the Seizing the Good Life audiobook, for YOU!
Hello friends and family and readers/listeners who feel like friends and family. I realize you may have heard me say that before, but I don’t tire of letting you know that your company on this journey is much appreciated by this wordy girl. It’s been ages since I dropped a podcast on The Story Table, right? Forgive me. When I left live radio in favor of
The Emperor is nekkid again and this time he has plenty of company
Greetings, friend, and thank you for being a part of this deeply appreciated community! I'm fresh off my last speaking engagement of the season. Serving the women of The Crossing Church in Kernersville, NC was a pure delight but Monday has come with a ton of mountain of responsibilities and tasks that need addressing. I'll get to them, but first, I wanted to share something
Want to help me launch my new book, Seizing the Good Life?
Hello my friends! I hope to come back and write more to you because I just flat out miss you, but-- I'm headed to the grand girls' tennis team matches this fine Monday so time is short on this side of the screen. That said-- I just realized this announcement is going to go out tomorrow, May 2nd, and I wanted YOU to hear of
On Squirrel Brains, Prayer Tips, and Pig Parties
Hello, friend! This past weekend I enjoyed a wonderful retreat with the ladies of my home church. I had no sooner arrived Friday afternoon when I pulled my camera out and taped the following clip. I just had to-- Holy Spirit was pressing on me. I hope you'll check it out and then come back and chat more below. Do let me know if that little