I don't know where else you plan to be tomorrow evening from 5:00 to 6:00 PM Central time, but if there is any way possible, I hope you'll make plans to join me for another great hour of ATS LIVE! I'm so looking forward to this show. In around the fun and folly that is normal for this "anything but ordinary" radio show, I've got two

Phil Sims, a Vietnam veteran, served in the US Navy for seven years, five of them aboard the USS Midway CVA41. He's a Boy Scout scoutmaster, a member of the Gideons International, and the author of Not Without Purpose. He and his wife, Alma, reside in West Monroe, Louisiana. They have three grown children and six grandchildren.  Not Without Purpose is set at the end of the conflict in

When it comes to trimming the shrubs and trees around our home, Phil and I have vastly different ideas on when to say when. Phil takes pruning to the extreme. I can almost hear the foliage begin to whimper whenever the man picks up yard clippers. I would tell you that Phil is a more is more type of pruner. Phil thinks I am anti-pruning,

Someone sent me this joke in an email. While I have a hunch that it’s old as the hills, it made me laugh out loud. In my book, that’s a sign that I need to share it with my listeners. Laughter is hands down great medicine. That said, let’s do this thing. An Irishman, a Mexican, and a redneck were doing construction work on scaffolding on

Hello folks! Welcome back to the All Things Southern kitchen. I’m still on the March Madness kick and I haven't thrown anything at the television. We're making progress!  Just joking there, but I'm serious about today's recipe, “Petite Party Burgers”! You’ll want to serve ‘em on one of these awesome ball game nights. They come from a cookbook my author friend, Amy Lyles Wilson co-wrote with Patsy