Something Smells Funny

My cousin Clair has been going round and round with her preteen son about his hygiene habits, or lack thereof. She says Jordan hasn’t quite gotten the hang of antiperspirant and deodorant. “Just wait until he gets a crush on some little girl,” I told her. “He’ll have plenty of motivation then. You’ll have to put a lock on the bathroom to keep him out of the shower.” Clair agreed that Jordan’s first crush would do the trick but she admitted that she’s not that anxious to get into that stage either.

“But, really, Shellie,” Clair continued, “sometimes it’s all I can do not to hold my breath around him. It was bad enough before the holidays. But then, his daddy had to go and get him a coon dog for Christmas. He’s just a puppy, and a cute little thing, too. Bob thought it would be good for Jordan to train him so he got him a training video and the three of ‘em watched it together. Now, every afternoon after basketball practice Jordan races home and spends the next hour or so training the dog. They really are cute together.”

“I’m sure they are,” I offered. “If they’re not inseparable now, they will be soon.”

“Oh, they already are,” Clair said. “You know I don’t like dogs in the house, but Jordan and his dad have ganged up on me. They’ve actually convinced me to let the dog sleep in Jordan’s room because it is, and I quote, helping them to bond.”

I had to laugh. “So,” I asked. “What about the smell?”

Clair never hesitated. “Believe it or not, Shellie, the dog seems to be getting used to it.”
