Spit-Shined in Public

Hello folks–has it really been a week since we met on the porch? Have mercy! Someone needs to slow this train down…I don’t know about y’all, but I’m ready to take a break and spend some time with my friends. Now, y’all pour yourselves a glass of sweet tea or lemonade while I give the conversation ball a good kick….We need to chat… ~smile~

I wanna talk Easter memories but first I must share what Mama did at one of my recent speaking engagements! I love Mama traveling with me, really I do–but you have to watch her. She can get caught up in the moment…

As I was being introduced, Mama motioned that I needed some color on my lips. I smiled and reapplied my lipstick. Mama reached over and smoothed my bangs. I grimaced politely. But when she wet that finger and leaned towards me—I drew the line. I am too old to be spit-shined in public!

I remember when I didn’t have a choice. Mama’s saliva glands were at their most productive on Easter. Like all good southern mamas, she considered Easter a mini-fashion show opportunity. She dressed her three little girls in ruffled dresses, with white shoes, bonnets, and gloves. We were whistle clean and expected to remain that way. It was one time when she had our full cooperation! We knew from experience that arriving for last minute inspection at the church’s door with a hair out of place or a smudge on our face meant buying ourselves the dreaded spit-shine. Cyndie claims Mama held on much too long to her Easter traditions. For proof, she offers a picture of herself at thirteen, holding an Easter basket and glowering at the camera.

Easter was a good day, but a long one. Hours before our parents had awakened us in the dark for Easter Sunrise Service—they felt it necessary we see the sun come up on the Lord’s Day. My sisters and I were less enthusiastic. We shivered in the cold pre-dawn air singing hymns with the faithful—while keeping our eyes on the donuts and hot chocolate waiting at the refreshment table. I reckon we sided with the late Mark Twain who once said, “If you’re gonna put all your eggs in one basket—watch that basket!”

Changing the subject a minute, I have the photo journal up from the retreat in Pontchatula…You can find it on the photo journal page… Oh, and my and Rhonda’s weekend at the Louisiana Broadcasters Association Convention was full of promise. Only time will tell, but we might have picked up a couple new affiliates. ATS might be coming to a radio or TV set near you! We’re doing all we can, that’s for sure. (Don’t forget, while you’re waiting you can find the All Things Southern Radio Show on http://www.dixiebroadcasting.com! That’s a wonderful Internet station that is growing by leaps and bounds!)

Let’s see…the dollar bills have been streaming in for the All Things Southern Cancer Relay Drive. Here’s a big THANKS to those of you who have already joined us and a gentle reminder for everyone else. Please help ATS fight cancer! Just one dollar from each porcher, (unless you’d like to do more, as some of the porchers have), and our team can make a BIG impact on the lives of those suffering from this horrible disease. You can drop your dollar in an envelope earmarked “cancer drive”. (That’s 610 Schneider Lane ~Lake Providence, LA 71254. ) Don’t forget to specify if you’d like it to be in honor of or in memory of a loved one or friend.

That’s it for my rambling. It’s time I let y’all break open this southern hoedown. I hope I’ve stirred thoughts of your own childhood and I hope your grownup Easter is as full of holy promise as it is precious memories! Come see me…
