The Pandemic of Darkening Counsel Without Knowledge

I’ve been mostly social silent online since George Floyd’s murder and the subsequent peaceful protests and violent looting and rioting rocking our nation. My silence hasn’t come out of fear, intimidation, or because I don’t have things to say. Like everyone else, I have extremely strong opinions, but I’ve been keeping them to myself because I’m trying to hear what God is saying and I can’t hear Him if I’m talking.

I’ve been asking God to search my heart and grant me conviction where it is needed, and I’ve been repenting as He has honored that request. My prayers have also been full of repentance for our national sins of prejudice and racial injustice. I believe that response has been Biblical. I’ve used role models like Ezra and Daniel from the Old Testament who grieved before God’s throne over the sins of their nation, repeatedly using prayer words like “our sin” in prayer.

When I feel released to write and speak, I will. Until then, I’m holding my tongue in light of Job 38:2 where God Himself said to Job, “Who is this who darkens counsel with words without knowledge?”

Who indeed? I think we already have a pandemic of such offerings, and I don’t want that shoe to fit this foot, so I’ve been reading and listening and learning and praying. What follows are some of the few words I have felt led to share on my social media platforms. I offer them to you as a request to join me in the closing prayer…

If George Floyd had been my son, hearing his murderer was a “bad apple” would bring me no solace, only more pain.

If my business had been looted and destroyed and my husband attacked in the streets, hearing it explained as “pent up anger” would bring me no solace, only more pain.

Evil is evil and it’s all evil. May I cause no more pain.

Come Holy Spirit of God our Father and Jesus Christ our Savior. Bring conviction and repentance to our hearts where it’s needed, teach us how to talk, and show us how to live and love like You.

In the blessed and holy name of Jesus I pray.





  • Michaael Cresswell
    June 9, 2020

    Shellie I can at times just barely stay my tongue on the senseless evil behind much of the opportunistic theft, looting, and mindless violence when I see for a man dead at others hands. Instead we should all be offering up our prayers to the
    Good Lord our God for his eternal peace and rest. However what do we see: ; thousands jumping onto the wagon of the evil one and turning against their brothers and sisters, leaving broken Businesses, bodies and hearts in their wake.
    May the Lord bring unto us his Loving healing in his time.
    I truly cannot abide it in my soul.
    As to your thoughts herein set out I can only say : Amen, Amen, good lord our God, Amen.

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