The Sweetest Reward

“It’s okay, Keggie,” Emerson said. “I didn’t mean to!” I tried to maintain a stern look in the face of my granddaughter’s sweet as sugar upturned face. The Bellerina Czar was supposed to be taking her afternoon nap— or trying to, anyway. Her mother’s rules were clear. Even if she couldn’t fall asleep, Emerson knew she was supposed to stay in bed and look at her picture books quietly. Unfortunately, Emerson was neither sleeping nor resting. What’s more, she had gotten out of bed to diaper her stuffed bear in the next room and accidentally slammed the bedroom door, effectively waking up her sleeping baby sister. The Sweetness Czar was now crying from her crib.

Scolding Emerson had brought us to this moment of decision. “It’s okay, Keggie,” Emerson repeated. “I didn’t mean to!” Clearly, she was hoping this would make it all better in a “let’s just forget this and go watch Tom and Jerry sort of way.” Of course, you and I both see the problem immediately, right? The result of her actions may have been an accident, but the disobedience that led to it was all too intentional.

Emerson is pushing three and while her current infractions aren’t serious, I’ve been glad to see her parents confronting this favorite new excuse of hers with age appropriate logic and discipline. It’s encouraging for all of the usual reasons, but here’s the most important one: If Emerson is to grow up to enjoy a healthy relationship with Christ, learning obedience is crucial. Willful disobedience, however small, will always lead to broken fellowship, but those who learn to yield to His Lordship and readily bend their wills to His get to discover the sweet reward of His friendship. It’s an all-important life lesson that can’t ever begin too soon. Oh yeah, Emerson was cute as a bug standing there with a big smile on her face but I called her hand, precisely because she is my heart.
