The Voice that Soothes Mens’ Souls

For better or worse, this is the only voice I have. I couldn’t get away from it if I tried. My voice comes with me and by all accounts, it seems to linger when I’m gone. I’ve had people tell me they hear my voice when they’re reading my columns or my books. Bless their hearts. Makes me want to apologize for being in their personal space.

People are quicker to recognize me by my voice than they are by my appearance.  It’s not unusual to meet someone and have them say something like, “Hey! You’re Everything Southern!” or “I know you. You’re the All Southern Girl”, but nine times out of ten this happens after we begin conversing, and not before. I see no need to correct ’em on the actual title. If they’re anywhere close to All Things Southern, I consider it a win.

It’s worth noting I’ve been on the radio for almost a decade, at least in northeast Louisiana, meaning the people recognizing my voice are those who’ve been exposed to it on a regular basis.  My voice is identifiable to them only to the extent that is has become familiar to them. There’s an eternal truth here for all who will hear it and thankfully, it has nothing to do with this southern twang of mine. Our conversation is just a good jumping off place.

We all long to hear from God. (Don’t even try to be the odd man out and tell you aren’t interested because frankly, I won’t believe you.) So, why is it that so many people live their lives without hearing and recognizing His voice? I’d like to humbly suggest that it’s because we often fail to listen for Him on a regular basis.


God speaks. He speaks through nature, He speaks through His Word, and He speaks to our spirits. Recognizing His voice is about setting our hearts on His channel and choosing His instruction as our go-to Source until we come to know the Voice that calms the waters and soothes men’s souls.