To Bless Another is to Bless God Himself
Hello friend, God’s word tells us to, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you…” Matthew 7:12 Today, I want to give you an opportunity to live out that commandment, realizing that when you bless your fellow man, you bless your heavenly Father. Settle in for a story…
Some time ago I realized it had been a long while since I’d heard from a dear reader who had been with me from the conception of this site and who used to write to me frequently. I became concerned and tried to find her. I hate to admit this, but for the life of me I couldn’t remember her name, though I clearly remembered our conversations! I went through my email many many times using every search word I could think of that might bring up one of hers. Nothing.
This would slip my mind for months and every time it circled back, I would try again with no success. The more time went by the more concerned I became. In some of our last correspondence, (at least two years back if not longer), she had told me of her dear husband’s passing. I knew she had been his caretaker and the last years had been very hard. I really wanted to check in on her and see how she was going. One day a few weeks ago I ran across an email from her while looking for something else in my files! (Won’t God do it?!) At the bottom was a phone number. When I took a chance and called it, I got a voice mail, one of those default messages. I didn’t know if I was calling the right person, but I left a message saying something to the effect of, “Hi, I’m Shellie Tomlinson, I’m looking for an old friend named _______________. I love her and I’m concerned about not hearing from her.”
What follows is the email I got from my friend. I’m sharing it here to ask you to help me do something fantastic. Would you hit the comment button and leave her a short message. Maybe you could introduce yourself and tell her where you’re writing from? Maybe you could type out a short prayer? Perhaps you only have time to say, “Hello, Shellie’s special friend. God loves you!” Anything you do will be appreciated. I’ve wracked my brain to figure out how to bless Mrs. __________ without using her name or email address. The world is crazy and I wouldn’t want to bring anything harmful to her door. I simply want one sweet widowed friend who admits to a little loneliness to hear from people who care.
Here’s my friend’s email to me, edited for brevity and privacy:
Shellie! It IS me, I mean “I”. It’s US! I thought I’d lost you, having been through two laptops since we last communicated! I’ll tell you what, I dare anybody to tell me there is no God. He’s answered a lot of prayers for me, but I’ve prayed that he would have you contact me ONE DAY. Glen Campbell once said, “God may be late by our time, but He is always ON time.” I understood it perfectly.
I’ve kept playing your message over and over, and when I closed my eyes tonight to pray, which always includes “thank yous” I heard your Louisiana accent. I’m so excited, I’m shaking. I kept replaying your words, “I think about you and I love you.” Me, too, Me, too, Shellie!” I hollered out. I still tend to forget I live alone, “Don’t anybody touch this recording until I can re-record it. (Huh?)
I’m ordering one of your books…I forget which one, but it seemed to be your favorite. I thrive on books where I can glean reassuring, strengthening words. What on earth do people do who don’t take their daily walk with Jesus? I think I have a book about every emotion I’ve been through these past several years. Did I ever ask if you’d read my sweet husband’s obituary? I turned it in two hrs. before the deadline. (I didn’t know that; I kept getting different times, depending on who I contacted.) The grammar, the syntax….it was all a train wreck. I was also frustrated because the newspaper cut me off at so many words… I had so much to say, so few characters. I ended up focusing on his career. I was always so proud of him. Didn’t get a chance to speak of the Godly husband, father and grandpaw he was. His full name is ___________. Google his obituary. It should take you right to it. My husband had a full military service, so that was an emotional moment, especially when that folded flag was handed to me.
My life is busy enough….staying home IS my vacation. Yes, it does get lonely around supper-time, when porch lights go on around the neighborhood., but Shellie, my precious friend, I remember when Betty White was asked after her husband’s passing and if she planned to remarry. She laughed and said, “When you’ve had the best, why settle for any of the rest.” I type fast. I did not mean to monopolize the conversation. YOU talk next time!
I always thank God for getting me through another day, even when I had Covid, but tonight I’ll be thanking him ’til I fall asleep. Your phone call was truly a blessing!
In His sweet Name,
Love from ME!
It’s me, Shellie. I plan to send Mrs. _____________ this link so she can read your messages. I always say I have the best readers on the planet. Here’s your time to shine!
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Tracey Quesenberry
Hi sweet lady I am so encouraged by your strength and faithfulness!! God bless you!! Reaching out from Texas and hope this little note will brighten your day knowing how many people you inspire just being you and God’s love shining through you!!
Hi Shellie’s friend!
Greetings from Kansas City. I’ve been studying Psalm 139 lately and I want to encourage you that in your times of loneliness to remember that God sees you, even in our darkness. Blessings
Nell Collins
Dear Shellie’s Friend ~
Praise the Lord you had a wonderful husband as did I. He has been breathing celestial air for 13 years. We had 54 memorable years together. Keep your trust in God, and He will see you through everything that crosses your path. You are the child of the King, making you a princess. Sing songs of praise to our Heavenly Father, telling Him how much you love and adore Him. He is as close to you as the air you breathe. I will pray for you daily, asking God to heal your heart and make you happy again.
Hi Shellie’s friend. What a sweet story of how God works in the lives of His children. I can hear the joy of the Lord as your strength in your words. Praying for you as you continue in your journey. Sending a virtual hug and will give you a real one some day in Heaven!
Monica Schacht
Shellie’s Special Friend, How blessed you are!! What a friend we have in Jesus and what a friend you have in Shellie. Reading your email has added a sweetness to my day. I’ll be saying a prayer for you tonight when I turn the porch light on in Kentucky.
Monica Schacht
Barb Thomas
Hello Shellie’s friend! After reading your story, I want to be your friend too! Hopefully in Heaven we can all sit around a table and share stories of our lives. I’ll be thinking about you around supper-time, when porch lights go on around the neighborhood and say a prayer to keep you safe, happy, and healthy.
Love from Barb in Texas
How wonderful to reconnect even after years, God is always so good and is always working in our hearts for others to help encourage each other on this journey to our forever home. I hope y’all continue to have this relationship
Thank you both for sharing your sweet and encouraging words, love you sisters!!
Debra Shoemaker
Dearest Sister,
May hope continually rise in your heart as you walk out the days ahead. My daddy just passed a few short weeks ago and it is so sad to live without him being near. My momma and he had shared 67 years together… since they were both barely 17. People referred to them as Ken and Barbie. On certain days my momma’s sadness encompasses her yet she finds comfort in knowing where he is and that she too, belongs to our most gracious Heavenly Father. May your days ahead be full in new ways and May you find new joys as you walk onward. I’m grateful you have wonderful memories for comfort of being married to a man you loved and respected and I’m sure, loved you deeply too!
God bless you Shellie’s sweet friend and Gid bless you Shellie, for taking time to love on snd care for ‘the least of these!’ I just know a treasure chest awaits you both in heaven!
Much love from Sacramento, California!
Debbie Sue
Hey, Shellie’s Friend!
You are a beloved daughter of the King, you’re a PRINCESS! And you’re a Princess with a beautiful heart and message. You have taught us in just these few words how to honor God and spouse, as well as how to grieve with grace. What a beautiful thing! I’m asking our Heavenly Father to allow you to tangibly feel His hug today, and tomorrow, and the next day, too. May you know without a doubt that He truly is with you and for you. Be blessed, my sister. You are so dearly loved.
Darlene Frybarger
Dearest Shellie’s friend, I am so grateful to be able to share with you today. I’ve lost a husband – almost 20 years ago. I won’t bother you with my story, but God has blessed me again with another loving man. Hod is always full of surprises that make me hold my breath and praise Him from the mountaintop! You are now on my prayer list. I thank Our Lord for bringing us together, even though we don’t know each other. God is so so good. I pray blessings over your days and nights as He removes the pain and loneliness from your life. Your new friend from South Texas, Darlene
Sabrina Smith
Hello to Shellie’s friend! I am Sabrina in Decatur, Alabama. I was enchanted by the story of how the two of you found one another again. Such an answered prayer for both of you when least expected! I have come to realize that is when God often does His work; it is not always the dramatic parting of a sea right before our eyes. Sometimes we must wait for the pieces to come together before we recognize His handiwork, and sometimes He has been working right in front of us and we just don’t recognize it. Such Majesty with us every moment. I just wanted to pop in to send a North Alabama hello to you. Whew, it’s been hot enough to melt butter outside for two months. Take care and stay cool now!
Rhonda Richards
Hello, ‘Shellie’s friend’! My sincere condolences in the loss of your husband. He sounds like an amazing man. My husband is also a veteran, and we both dedicated our careers to caring for our veterans and their families. He worked on the healthcare side and I worked on the cemetery side. Those military funerals truly make you proud to be an American. I’ve presented dozens of those folded flags to the next of kin, and I’ve silently prayed for those left behind. I will add your name, ‘Shellie’s friend’, to my prayers. Even though we don’t know your name, God does…and that’s all that matters. When the porch lights come on in the neighborhood, I’ll be thinking of you and sending up prayers for you.
Debi M.
Dear Sister in Christ,
I am praying you find redemption in the story God is writing in your life… even in the hard and broken places, because God never wastes our pain. Sadly, I identify with your story, because my husband went to be with Jesus almost 7 years ago. Like Betty White’s comment, I know I had the best, and don’t want the rest, (but I also know this is different for everyone.) I wear my husband’s wedding ring on a chain around my neck, close to my heart, where he will always be. Also on that chain is an anchor (of hope), a reminder from Hebrews 6:19) My husband was also a veteran (Vietnam war), and proudly loved our country, and even more proudly loved our Savior! You may have heard the saying, “Our faith is like a tea bag….you never really know how strong it is, until it is in hot water”. During my husband’s 6 year cancer battle, his faith grew brighter and stronger (along with mine), as God used us to become ambassadors of hope to other cancer patients and their families. I know he is rubbing shoulders with many people who are enjoying Heaven now, because we were, where we were, “for such a time as this”.
If I am being honest, I hate the part of my story, and the season of life where I took on the title of “widow” (still hate that word), and had to do life “alone”. But now, looking back through a different lens, I can see that God had more for me. He has given me a community of women that I now lead in Bible study and do life with, and He has given me a new sense of purpose, as I serve in many areas in our church. I have found for myself, that when I am serving others, I don’t have time to focus on my pain, and in turn, it gives me fulfillment and great joy! Proverbs 11:25 “A generous person will prosper, and he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.”
I am praying that God restores joy and a profound sense of purpose in your life, and that you will find great hope and comfort in the arms of our compassionate and loving God!
Sending love and prayers from California,
How very thankful I am that you connected with Shellie. God has His ways of loving on us when we least expect it but He knows just when we need it the most. Thank you for being a loving good wife to your husband. There is a lot to be said about that these days. I have been married to my husband for 52 yrs. We got married at 17 and 20 yrs. old so sort of a miracle that we have lasted this many years. Grace. God’s grace. Be blessed today what ever you find to do. God is good!
Pam Brewer
Hello Shelli’s friend! I’m so glad you reconnected with Shellie! Isn’t that just like God to show up when we need it most! Hope your day is a blessing! Hugs!
Kermit Stephens
Dear Shellie’s friend: May God always have His hand on your shoulder and His peace in your heart. I look forward to Shellie’s mailings each month as her love for Jesus warms my heart. I am 88 years old and my wife has been with Jesus for 12 years now and my dogs have all passed away so there is me and Jesus here every day. I am the organist for my church and have been for 30 some 30 odd years. It’s comforting to know Jesus is with us each and every day. God Bless you.
Brenda McEachern
Hello Shellie’s special friend! I’m so happy y’all had a God moment and reconnected. My name is Brenda and I’m writing from Shreveport, LA. Always know that God loves you and God is good. Blessings to you.
Crystal Dillard
Hey friend!
Wow, what a wonderful gift to have been given as your godly husband! I hope you’ll share some of your stories and advice with other ladies, especially the younger crowd. We need your knowledge, wisdom, and hope. You have so much to offer! I hope there’s a Heartfelt program near you where the more seasoned ladies invest and teach and love on the younger women. It’s so great to connect all the way from Louisiana! Take care!
Shellie Tomlinson
This was so kind and sincere, Crystal! Thank you!!♥️
Rhonda Faubion
Oh sweet lady, yes our God is good. So glad you and Shellie (my baby sister!) could reconnect. I pray that He always brings happy memories of your husband to you.
Shellie Tomlinson
Aw, my sissy!!! Thanks for loving on my friend with me!
Annie Allred
Hello, Shellie’s friend. You are loved and I pray that you feel comfort and peace trusting the Lord to lead your in this stage of life. Blessings.
Shellie Tomlinson
Thank you, Anne! This is so kind!
Kia Ora Shellies friend! Sending love all the way from New Zealand. Warms my heart to hear you had the best when it came to your hubby. What beautiful memories I’m sure you guys made together
Hope that on those lonely evenings that God’s presence would be felt so thickly in your home, because He is after all the best company. God bless you! Hope these messages bring you joy
Shellie Tomlinson
Courteney, It’s so kind of you to join in this conversation!! Sending hugs to New Zealand.
Hi Shellie’s friend! You definitely have connected with one of the finest women I’ve ever known and God has blessed me over and over through Shellie. I pray you are being protected and loved by our Heavenly Father. That His comfort, His peace flows over your life. I will pray that for you! God loves you so. And so do I Sister.
Shellie Tomlinson
Thank you for these kind words, dear Joneal! They blessed me and I know they’ll bless my friend!
Debbie Ruff
Dear Shellie’s Friend,
God loves you.
Shellie loves you.
So do I!!! God bless you! And even tho Shellie can’t get my name right, I still love her!
Debbie aka Barbara Debbie
Shellie Tomlinson
Lololololol! Barbara Debbie, I love you!! Thank you for this!!
God is so good
and so faithful
I pray you are blessed today!
Shellie Tomlinson
Thank you for this, Gloria!♥️
Karen (Jo-Jo)
Shellie’s dear friend God be with you.
Heavenly Father be with this precious sister in Christ. You know her hurts and You know her joys. Bless her as she praises You through all that she’s endured. Let her be salt and light where ever she goes. Embrace her with Your loving arms. Especially in those moments when she misses her hubby. Watch over her. Let us learn from the message that she wrote to Shellie. May we always rejoice in You . Father God thank You for Your love and grace. In the precious name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.
Shellie Tomlinson
Thank you, Karen! You are precious in God’s sight!