•  Articles posted by Shellie Rushing Tomlinson (Page 136)

He was born in Marshville, North Carolina on May 4th, 1959, the second of six kids. Randy loved to sing and the talent was there from the start. By the age of ten he was performing in a duo act with his brother. Even then the deep voice booming from the small body astounded all who heard it. Unfortunately, his lack of focus soon became

I was a new mother, trying to do everything by the book. My sisters-in-law, all three of them, were knee deep in motherhood with elementary aged school children. They had long since figured out how durable the wee ones really are. Our perspectives met head on that fateful Thanksgiving. As we gathered in their mother’s dining room with our respective broods, my in-laws announced that

“It’s okay, Keggie,” Emerson said. “I didn’t mean to!” I tried to maintain a stern look in the face of my granddaughter’s sweet as sugar upturned face. The Bellerina Czar was supposed to be taking her afternoon nap— or trying to, anyway. Her mother’s rules were clear. Even if she couldn’t fall asleep, Emerson knew she was supposed to stay in bed and look at

My Papa works in the crop insurance business. His work requires him to do a lot of traveling but he enjoys it. He was working some claims in Tennessee once when he struck up a conversation with a nice man at the local burger place. ‘Course, I should tell y’all that Papa can chat with anyone. He rarely meets a stranger. Papa and that farmer

Hello folks, thanks for dropping by! Y'all have a seat, and let’s chat…~smile~ A woman named Linda Sunshine once said, “My sister taught me everything I really need to know, and she was only in sixth grade at the time.” I get that. My oldest sister and I have a unique relationship. Why, it’s been weeks since we’ve talked but in typical Cyndie style, she